Quote:the key is to put a couple squares of paper on the top of the water before you open the drop the bomb...
Shitting101 by Professor Moron...everyone sign up now! Class is almost full...
Kid Afrika Wrote:girls should never admit to this level of hygene. they're just never supposed to be that dirty.
Err...ummm...I was talking about my what my brother told me.

PollyannaFlower46 Wrote:Kid Afrika Wrote:girls should never admit to this level of hygene. they're just never supposed to be that dirty.
Err...ummm...I was talking about my what my brother told me. 
No you werent, your a dirty girl. Everyone must shit therefore everyone must have shitting stories. Baby wipes do rock. Sometimes I have to cut their nails first though.
My favorite is the submarine.....where the shit log is so gah damned long, not only does it go to the bottom of the bowl...a solid, and I mean solid, inch stick out above the water. Feels like the bastard is still attached when ya stand to wipe :crackhead:
But what about when your constipated and you really got to go. Then, you finally drop one or two solid logs and a flood of diahrea comes out behind it like the logs were holding it all in.
how about when you go and it is one huge log but there is a peice of it sticking out and it slices the inside of your asshole as you push.
then you look in horror when you see the toilet paper soaked in shit and blood.
how about when you push so hard you expect to see your intestines floating in the toilet witht he shit :bouncer:
Metalfan Wrote:how about when you push so hard you expect to see your intestines floating in the toilet witht he shit :bouncer:
wow something metal said actually turned me on
Nothing like that shit, first thing in the morning when you get into work :thumbs-up: Just starts the day off on a positive note
oh, yeah....and POOP :roflmao:
Edited By Spitfire on Mar. 27 2002 at 10:33
I hate those ones that are ready to go if you are or not. And if you don't hurry it's gonna be in your pants and down your leg any second now. So you run to the bathroom, throw off your pants, and try to slow it down, because it's so big it's trying to rape your ass from the inside.