dont you know he cant be a virgin, because his boyfriend has already been killed outside on the porch?
Pollyanna I'm a virgin, wanna help me out?
GOnzo will survive like always because he looks like Neve Cambell, right?
Edited By Danked on Mar. 30 2002 at 1:14
If Gonzo looks like Neve Campbell, does that mean he's banging John Cusack?
Is that why I haven't seen Alkey lately? Doesn't Gonzo bite the heads of his mates when he's done with them?
Do I look like John Cusack?
Would you ever believe me if I told ya?
In case you all missed it, This thread will be locked at 500 posts. Lunababe, feel free to start another one when this happens.
Anyone want to give a hummer to the HWIC?
[Whitey is the W]
Can you believe Sean is soliciting oral treats?
Can ya blame him for workin' the pimp hand 'round these parts? Have you seen some of the fine ladies on this board? Did that sound as transparent as I think it did?
Can you be an even lame pimp then myself?
Why am I still posting in this god foresaken thread, anyway?
Cause you wanna put it one post closer to 500?
Because you're trying to get the oral treats?
Cause in reality I actually love you polyanna, will you love me?
Does anyone else think that gonzy is tryin' to get his name to the right of every goddam thread on the pit page?
Do you think I can't see through your lies?
What makes you think I'm lying?
Can't you see I was talking to Gonzo? What makes you think you're even a good liar Barch?
Why must you hate me so much polly?