Full Version: Pass the time - The fu game
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FU LZ for not saying FU to Sluggo.
fu polly for saying fu to me for not saying fu to slug boy
fu to LZ cause you have a stupid fucking sig..
Fuck you ink, cause your sig is not much better.
Fuck you, Broken....because you have it coming. HA! :lol:
Fuck you Luna, For dissing Ken...He loves you.
Fuck you, Sluggypoo...because Ken is all about FN now..not me. :lol:
Fuck you Luna, for not giving it to me sooner.
Fuck you Brokenjaw for trying to be Snake Pliskin
Fuck you Sluggo, I was snake pliskin before there ever was a Snake pliskin!
Wow, Brokenjaw. Fuck you for being really really old.
Fuck you Danked for making me spit on my keyboard
Fuck off, Sluggo. :fuggin:
Fuck you Danked...Got a light? :fuggin:
Fuck you for even asking.

[Image: lighter.jpeg]
phuk u for bogarting, sluggo.

Fuck you for not fucking me, Kid...

er... um... wait...
FU Danked guess who?
Tequila Wrote:FU Danked guess who?
fuck you to the complete fucking idiot that let the spic in. :lol:
FU Arpi I snuck in the back gate
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