Full Version: say what you want........
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diceisgod Wrote:This is simply amusing
shouldnt you be spinning flammables in your dryer?
GonzoStyle Wrote:I meant a hiatus for me numbnuts, its always gotta be about you mister ego.
This thread should be in my dryer. Tell me more.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I meant a hiatus for me numbnuts, its always gotta be about you mister ego.
I'm starting to see someone different in the role of jesus...
who else could play a better martyr?
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I meant a hiatus for me numbnuts, its always gotta be about you mister ego.
I'm starting to see someone different in the role of jesus...
we have a deal! you try and renege on this and i will have mike ovitz on your ass in a new york second! you will never eat lunch in this town again! now give me the script and lets get on set! NOW!
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