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I'm not sure I like your tone.
this is an important thread, thus the caps
you should have made this thread a vote. the fact that you didnt think of it is proof that you have lost your edge. i miss the old sleeper.he would never have let a chance for that kind of irony pass by.
It's not a vote cause I don't care about the actual numbers, I just want to see who each individual is voting for. IS this so hard to do?
a vote for nader is a vote for bush.
so, sleeper, in your own words what is naders foriegn policy? how does he plan to help the economy? what is his policy on the kyoto treaty?
you are all idiots
i didnt think so. you know nothing about nader and his policies. you are just voting for him to be different and because you think it makes you look like a rebel. typical uninformed nader voter.
if that was true i could've just copy and pasted shit from his website to justify myself to you. but think whatever you want.
you are young and naive. nader is a great guy and is a true defender of the average american, but he cannot and will not win. it is a mathematical impossibility. you might as well vote for bush.
thats why i specified, "in your own words". you dont know any of his positions. you just think that it makes you look like a rebel. its "edgy" to vote for nader.
I'm nulling my vote
I'm not voting. Sorry.
this thread is amazing. all i did was say who i was gonna vote for and ask you do the same thing and i get the typical democratic talking points i've heard a million times before and some of you are under the presumption that you are the first to inform me of this and that it would affect me in any way. I'm voting in NY which kerry has locked up so whoever i vote for I might as well be voting for myself and it would make the same difference so you can take that theory away. As far as what he stands for, he's for withdrawal of troops in iraq within 6 months, he's against nafta, he's for universal healthcare, he's for gay marriage, he's against corporate greed, etc. but i suppose i should vote for who you want me to cause that would be the pinnacle of democracy.
<-------- still not voting
I am not voting for Bush or Kerry. I don't want either of them to be president. Say I forfeit my right to complain. Say I, by default, vote for whoever wins. Say I'm only saying this to impress whoever you think I'm trying to impress or rebel against whoever you think I'm trying to rebel against. Say that I should vote for the lesser of two evils because hundreds of millions of other people don't have a chance to vote, blah blah blah.

I don't like either of them. I won't vote for either of them.
vote for michael badnarik
that's the libertarian guy, right? That's probably who I'll vote for.
yes but make sure to justify your vote to arpi first
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