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why dont you check my ip address if you want proof, for those that might know me from another site i go as pieworld
OH pieworld!!!

duh, why didnt you say so in the first place.
its gomez. nuff said.
i shouldn't of made up a new nick for my self but i am retarded
Come on arpi, it's pieworld. Drop the little ruse acting as if you don't know him.
we get it gomez. relax.
pieworld, you have any feeds?
Pugz Wrote:i shouldn't of made up a new nick for my self but i am retarded
you sure of
i laughed
you would, simpleton.
at what, im serious i really am retarded
Pugz Wrote:at what, im serious i really am retarded
Why would anyone subject themselves to Dante's Inferno?
gomez isn't clever enough to make a fake account like this

are you a DOT NETTER?
Arpikarhu Wrote:obvious
yes, yes you are.
what does .net have to do with this
Pugz Wrote:what does .net have to do with this
because we are O&A's bastard step children, yearning for acceptance, damn you!!!
in that case yes i am a .netter
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