Full Version: In honor of Columbus Day...
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Here's a blanket..

mmm that'um mister amherst is good'um white man.
I don't see what the contraversy is over him; everyone killed natives back in the day.
yea i don't see what the controversey about owning slaves was, everyone did it back in the day!
atleast they all had steady work.
they should reinstate slavery for like a year, I've got a shitload of work that has to get done.
It's not gonna happen Goatweed. didn't you see the debates? Bush HATES slavery
It was the only time in history the unemployment rate for negro's was almost 0%
then he just lost my vote - KERRY ALL THE WAY!!!
Kerry is against slavery but for plantations
Yeah thank god the Dred Scott decision was overturned. I was waiting for him to cite the Louisiana Purchace as a boon to the economy...
We got manhatan for 22 bucks dammit, you cant even get a carton smokes for that!!!!
Even if they didn't slaughter a native, they were going to kill those people anyway. Did they know that disease could kill alot of natives? Yes. What, are we gonna cry about it now? Human beings can be disgusting repugnant animals. And that's what we have to deal with.
Quote:Human beings can be disgusting repugnant animals. And that's what we have to deal with.

by giving one of them a national holiday!

p.s. i'd be all for it if i had off from work today
yeah, working when most everyone else is off really sucks balls.
but there's no Cortez Day, or Minuit Day, or Cabot Day, or de Leon Day
Happy murdering indigenous people day.
I think the disease did more damage than the murder
Giving them blankets from small pox victims was intentionally done to get rid of them.
maybe they were just trying to make them immune, like when my sister got chicken pox and my mum made us all hang out together until we all got it.
crx girl Wrote:maybe they were just trying to make them immune, like when my sister got chicken pox and my mum made us all hang out together until we all got it.
That worked wonders in africa when they tried it with aids.
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