Full Version: so who were the people..
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mavric305: i'm gonna go get a beer brb
goatweed: lol!
stingray: hold on lemme play a limp bizkit song I did at a kareokee bar...
goatweed: FOR THE NOOKIE!!!!
Limp Bizkit sucks.
soupsoupad: heeey is this where da party at?
goatweed: you know it
soupsoupad: *cracks open a beer*
fofolina: ^-^ hey hunniez
For the record, I've never spoken to fofo. Ever.

Same for Mavric, btw.
mavric305: say something deek!!!
goatweed: doesn't he ever type anything?
stingray: nah, he just sits there, its creepy
fofolina: omg guyz, my kid won't stop crying I dunno y?
goatweed: maybe its hungry?
fofolina: lol I knew I forgot something!!
I wish it was this exciting!
ahahaha gonzo wins
gonzostyle: so yeah guys, who wants to hear me do sol rosenberg?
stingray: fuck off fredo, you had your chance to get with us!!
gonzostyle: come on bro, I miss being a wackbagger adminer!!
gonzostyle has been booted
fofolina: LOL!!!1
mavric305: nice hed deek!!!
goatweed: yeah guys I never liked the fuck anyway!!!
this would be funnier if it were Wackbag chat.

I still cant believe you were an Admin there. Wow.
gonzostyle: go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> you kiddie rapers lol
fofolina: great site hunnie
mavric305: gonzo ur a sick f
The board is finally fixed. The smilies are gone.
The smilies are available via popup under the "View All Emoticons" link.

my pyjamas are falling down!

keyser imed me
No one told me anything.
I was a nervous wreck n' stuff.
crx girl Wrote:my pyjamas are falling down!

keyser imed me
Friends don't let friends post drunk.
it made perfect sense at the time, but i can see the confusion. keyser imed me about the board being down. that was a completely separate thought from the other part.
crx girl Wrote:it made perfect sense at the time, but i can see the confusion. keyser imed me about the board being down. that was a completely separate thought from the other part.
There's no way you could make sense outta that, it's ok though it's not your fault you shoulda had a designated poster.
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