Full Version: greatest lover of all time
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that's me.
<----------------------------------------------- THIS GUY
cite your sources.
my minions have labelled me as such.
your white font is lovely.
You bagged that Mormon chick?
I gotta go with Alkey.
if not you, then who crowned me the gloat?

Edited By Galt on 1098980733
*waves hands*
Galt Wrote:if not you, then who crowned me the gloat?
wasn't me buddy and when I did see it I didn't apply it to your sexual abilities.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Galt Wrote:if not you, then who crowned me the gloat?
wasn't me buddy and when I did see it I didn't apply it to your sexual abilities.
yeah no one wrote " aka Failure" in white text.
I demand "gloat" be explained fully.

by the nigger.
red socks
not sufficient.
Black Lazerus Wrote:red socks
sox, now you get bashed for actually spelling the word as intended.