Full Version: Troops support Bush 3-1 over Kerry
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The war on terrorism is just as probable to be won as the war on Drugs.

You can't win the war on terrorism, you can devert it, you can hurt it, you can temporarily cripple it but you can never win a war like that.

You can win a war against a country like in WW2 you have the enemy, you know the enemy and the enemy is out there fighting you face to face so to speak, real wars eventually end.

Bush wont win it, kerry wont win it and 10 other administrations wont win it, maybe down the road in a hundred years sure maybe but no time in the near future is terrorism ever going to dissappear. Civilization has always had a form of terrorism or genocide, its the way of mankind to want to destory and push their beliefs upon others. Wether it was the romans, the vikings, the nazis, the batthists, al quaeda, the huns, napoleon, hitler, bin laden, etc etc.
He already has.

By criticizing this country and it's actions relentlessly to cater to two bases.
By voting for security cuts a year after the first WTC bombing.
By being on the wrong side of defense budget cuts since he became a Senator.

By his calling for a UN resolution to everything, knowing full well how corrupt and useless the UN is.

Terrorist know all of this and they're lives are endangered as long as Bush is in office.
With Kerry, like Clinton - if the opinion polls do not support what hinders terrorism - they're essentailly safe.
The terrorists fear Bush as much as the Cartlers fear the DEA.

Like in the drug wars, every man you take down theres 3 more to take his place.

Also like in the drug wars when you attack them where they breed you dont hurt them, cause they have no real country or space, they'll just move somewhere else where they have supporters. You simply end up bombing out the bystanders and sure you'll clip a bunch of the organization but it will go on.

I am in no way advocating we stop trying though.

But they won't stop wether bush is in or out of office, will they be more prone to attack during a less than enthisaiastic presidency? I really don't believe so, unless ofcourse they just simple choose to ignore it which once again I am not advocating.

But simply going about it in just as a brutish fashion as Bush has isn't the way either, especially when you go there with the simple belief that you are much stronger and will win so thats the whole plan.
Quote:Also like in the drug wars when you attack them where they breed you dont hurt them, cause they have no real country or space, they'll just move somewhere else where they have supporters. You simply end up bombing out the bystanders and sure you'll clip a bunch of the organization but it will go on.
while we lose a few more of our rights

at this point i don't care if kerry wins, as long as their is some sort of balance in the house or senate. one party controlling everything isn't good
I get confused when people say we've lost rights.
What rights have we lost?
I can't walk my friend to the gate at the airport.
Has he lost his legs?
Roll the fucker.
Hoon Wrote:I get confused when people say we've lost rights.
What rights have we lost?
Good white people are being treated like niggers and jews. I for one like the idea but some people might find issue with it.
i'm sure sir o or even mad will be better at arguing this one than me, but -

do you have to wait until something affects you personally to point out that its wrong? they are slowly taking away any privacy we had left.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... m/PATRIOT/</a><!-- m -->

theres a reason why people always mention books like 1984 with this. because its true. its not ground breaking stuff, its obvious stuff anyone who wants to take over knows. you make an enemy, preferably one that can never be defeated, scare the people into believing they're a threat, and rally them behind that. who knows, bush and cheney and everyone else involved might really be blind to this because they're to close to the cause to see it. changes like this don't happen overnight, where one day you wake up and you see it all unfold.
i'm not saying that terroists aren't a threat, but going after it the way Bush has is not the answer. Maybe if he could even admit he made mistakes and change his view I could accept it, but he's to worried about being hypocritical about flip flopping to do that. he's doing it with total disregard for the things most people take for granted in this country.
Don't let it run your life.
You're scared of something that has too many checks and balances to effect you the way you're afraid it will.
i'm living in fear? your vote is based on what you think the terrorists would prefer...

i haven't done or changed any aspect of my life because of fear of the patriot act. that doesn't mean i think its acceptable. a lot of it is just flat out wrong, and a part of it has already been called unconstitutional by the supreme court.
should I get italian or Thai for dinner?

Someone please consult the terrorists.
Thai for sure!!

Also you must keep in mind nothing can have an affect on someone who lives 40 miles away from civilization, so you gotta give Hoon some leeway.
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