Full Version: I dunno if its just me but... - don't worry no cum or fluids on my face.
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Rent is one thing but if he has a mandate put down upon him to install carbon/smoke alarms then it's his responsibility to keep the building up to code. It's not enough he never paints the place, he never fixes anything (I've had a leak in the bathroom ceiling for 3 years now). The front door to the building is never closed now cause the glass has been broken for 3 months and we've had junkies sleepin in the hallways. The elevator was broke for 2 weeks and none of the elderly people could get outta their apartments, etc etc etc.

On top now he's charging for the smoke detector, thats bullshit, if he tries any shit i'm goin pacific heights on him.
At least he didn't try to bang your mother...
go yell at me for posting something else thats dated.
Give me a minute to find something.
If you need some help I posted that story about my grandfathers keychain
I read it and was very happy.

Ashame I get so much joy over your grandpa's death...
It's ok so did my grandmother.
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