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Curious George died so you could be gay on a message board.
Buttmunch Wrote:Curious George died so you could be gay on a message board.
Curious George didn't die!
I heard he was locked in a room and wrote Shakespeare.
IrishAlkey Wrote:I heard he was locked in a room and wrote Shakespeare.
a monkey can spell shakespeare?
I bet Colin Powell can.
Colin Powell is not the best example of the negro race.
Colin Quinn is.
It's the curse of jim norton, whenever he makes an apperance shows get cancelled.
He actually writes for the show, as well.

So inside...
his writing sure impressed the brass at comedy central.
A hundred Curious Georges hammering away in a room full of typewriters long enough could write Shakespeare.
Didn't I already cover that?
Buttmunch Wrote:A hundred Curious Georges hammering away in a room full of typewriters long enough could write Shakespeare.
thats 11 letters, 100 monkeys.. yeah I guess.
It really is 11 letters.
thank god there were no dead negroes to block your path to the iced coffee
Goatweed Wrote:thank god there were no dead negroes to block your path to the iced coffee
I went to dunkin donuts today, the only negroes are the homless ones inside sleeping.

Oh, the original post.

yeah, sorry - I cant keep up with you speedy posters ('cause I'm old).
There really wasn't anywhere else to go with the monkey writing shakespeare angle anyway.
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