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When Galt is president?

This whole discussion is putting me in the mood to watch Woody Allen's Bananas.
knowing your love of using bogus statistics and for making arguments on points of which you have very little knowledge, you would make an excellent presidential candidate.
He'd get the womens' vote because of his handsome looks.
he has the elderly vote based on his incontinence platform
This is shaping up to be a landslide!
or a mud slide. yuck yuck!
galt made a good point that we are more divided between rural and urban areas than east/west vs south/midwest. so there never will be any civil war, just a culture war
it took you this long to figure that out? what did they teach you in that school, pottery?
yes, pottery
it shows
how did you clean your fingernails?
I just bit them off
he seems more like an ashtray sort of guy.
I don't smoke
But it's art.
I thought it was "what all the cool kids do"
There are no more cool kids, just rednecks and faggots and they're gonna square off soon!!!
which side are you on. me , i am going with the faggots. they may have less firepower but never underestimate the power of a good hair pulling.
Plus between the two the fags are gonna be the closest thing to the "cool kids".
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