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So I decided to break out one of my boxes of old stuff that most normal humans would have thrown out years ago. This box had mostly college notebooks, some drawings from when I was 8, a 3-hole puncher, colored pencils, and possibly every birthday card I've ever received.

Since I don't use my scanner enough and, well, since I'm fucking bored, here are some things I found in my notebook from my first college semester, a time when I was apparently even more bored than I am now.

<a href= target=blank>Here's</a> my projected starting lineups and defensive alignment for the 1997 world series, documented on my bio 111 folder. Also there's a fake schedule of games for each sport. Notice how I made sure the NFL interconference games were done properly - otherwise I would have just been wasting my time.

The <a href= target=blank>other side</a> of the bio folder. This time I scheduled times for the NFL games.

<a href= target=blank>More artwork</a>, as well as some Wrestlemania III matches and the first Survivor Series matches.

<a href= target=blank>More of the same..</a>

<a href= target=blank>chemistry</a>

<a href= target=blank>97-98 NHL predictions</a>

<a href= target=blank>Mega Man!</a>

<a href= target=blank>Ten?</a>

Once I find I'm unable to sleep I'm sure I'll be scanning some more.
Here's the 1998 Spring semester:

I <a href= target=blank> drew faces</a> around each letter of the alphabet. There's also the beginnings of a shopping list

<a href= target=blank>V-Z</a>

<a href= target=blank>Some Seinfeld guest stars</a>

A random list of <a href= target=blank>movies</a>. There are 3 more pages of this.

Speaking of movies, <a href= target=blank>here</a> I play the Kevin Bacon game with 20 random actors.

<a href= target=blank>This</a> is my prediction the 64 teams that will be in the NCAA tournament and their seeds.

Finally, no series of random, meaningless lists would be complete without the <a href= target=blank>50 states</a> and their capitals!
Quote:More artwork, as well as some Wrestlemania III matches and the first Survivor Series matches.

It's funny, the other day I was going through my tapes looking for some old UFC and found the first Survivor Series...decided to pop that in instead. The women's match and the tag-team match were pretty damn good, while the Hogan team vs. Andre team match was horrendous. Macho Team vs. Honky Tonk team was so-so...still 100x better than the crap they're putting out today.

And I always sucked at that Kevin Bacon game...
this is quite pathetic
I love it how you were so bored you decided to post things that you did when you used to be bored and didn't have a computer in front of you...
I love the Seinfeld list
Quote:And I always sucked at that Kevin Bacon game...

I owned everyone when we played this at school.