Full Version: Origins - I'm sure this has been done before...
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Goatweed Wrote:can someone get Maynard's FTP back, instead of Maynard?
i have asked him if he had any intentions of setting that puppy back up....he said no Sad
where did you talk to him?!?!?! i need to know!!!!
LZMF1 Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:can someone get Maynard's FTP back, instead of Maynard?
i have asked him if he had any intentions of setting that puppy back up....he said no Sad
Maynard is a mean mean... meanie!!!
I dunno how I got here. I just...... did.
we know how you got here Sgt. Squeegie!!
I'm just a bot. I don't actually exist.
Arpikarhu Wrote:where did you talk to him?!?!?! i need to know!!!!
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