Full Version: I'm in love... - The IPal rocks my world
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Pages: 1 2
you can plug an ipod into any existing speaker system
I know that but the Ipal matches my Ipod.

And I have a lap top, so the sound is pretty shitty. Plus, I don't want all those extra wires cluttering my room.
The piles upon piles of clothes in her room are ok. Its just the one extra wire that would push her over the edge.
sleeper is doing along with both will be coming by xmas 2035
TheGMANN Wrote:The piles upon piles of clothes in her room are ok. Its just the one extra wire that would push her over the edge.
The floor might collapse and the children of the damned might be killed.

Can't you see I'm looking out for the kids?
You cant kill them. They are evil polish devil children.
Pages: 1 2