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Quote:but at least you get to see bigger boobs for a while, right?
what good are they too look at if I cant touch?
Quote:look into escorts
way ahead of you, but funds are limited - its not worth it (for what I can afford anway).
that's it, 50 bucks???
you did it for free
"did" is the operative word
point me to these tits.
Goatweed Wrote:
Quote:but at least you get to see bigger boobs for a while, right?
what good are they too look at if I cant touch?
Quote:look into escorts
way ahead of you, but funds are limited - its not worth it (for what I can afford anway).
hang out with me over a weekend and we'll go get some whores.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
Quote:but at least you get to see bigger boobs for a while, right?
what good are they too look at if I cant touch?
Quote:look into escorts
way ahead of you, but funds are limited - its not worth it (for what I can afford anway).
hang out with me over a weekend and we'll go get some whores.
I'm not into mocha latte though.
what about trannies?
sure, so long as they're not mocha latte.
seriously, where were these tits posted? Link me! I love when girls post their tits so I can mock them and feel better about myself.
wasn't it on YMB?
are you asking or telling?
I was guessing, sorry.
they aren't there anymore
I guessed correctly - sort of.
i hear goat is into midgets
I think Jorge has competition now
Keyser Soze Wrote:i hear goat is into midgets
absolutely! emponium rules!
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
Quote:but at least you get to see bigger boobs for a while, right?
what good are they too look at if I cant touch?
Quote:look into escorts
way ahead of you, but funds are limited - its not worth it (for what I can afford anway).
hang out with me over a weekend and we'll go get some whores.
i can offer the same, but i think you should probably hang out for the delivery instead
yeah so, back on topic, the incredibles was pretty good.
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