Full Version: Halo 2 - wow.  wowee wow wow
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im addicted to the multiplayer. it is great. i am Reg Hartner on live.

the campaign is also good, but ive been playing on live so much that im only on the second level.
yeah but your level is much higher than mine in the online department
im a 7 in team skirmish cause i play that the most. the others games im like a 3 in cause i barely play them. one of my friends is an 11 in Rumble Pit. he is pretty good.
my only complaint regarding HALO 2 is the 1st person view....if only it were selectable 1st or 3rd...that would be sweet
has it cut into your gay sex time with chris?
I play Halo 2 all the time. It is awesome. I'm sorry that this thread did not get much attention before.

I don't own an Xbox though. I play it at friend's houses.