11-17-2004, 12:16 AM
johngalt.blogspot.com IS NOT ME!
My name is not Matty French
My AIM is not 911themusical (what kind of fucking insanity is that)
I'm not a faggot like that kid.
However, when I heard about all these blogs, I figured that someone would have a blog named after John Galt, and this was the first one I guessed at. I put the blog in my profile, I put the AIM address in, I said my name was Matty French, I was just hoping that someone would go on my profile and "out" me (I was praying it was Arpi) but no one did. So then when Gonzo mentioned blogs, I just dropped it in there. But even when I did, I wasn't really raked over the coals for it. No one mocked the posts or anything. I was really upset.
It's really eerie that the kid is from New York is in his late 20s and is a Sox fan.
It's not me. I swear to God.
PS. I was on the subway today and I noticed for the first time that the map of Greater New York looks like male genitals. Manhattan is a flacid penis and Brooklyn is the testicles.
However, rest assured I am not now, nor will I ever be a blogger.
My name is not Matty French
My AIM is not 911themusical (what kind of fucking insanity is that)
I'm not a faggot like that kid.
However, when I heard about all these blogs, I figured that someone would have a blog named after John Galt, and this was the first one I guessed at. I put the blog in my profile, I put the AIM address in, I said my name was Matty French, I was just hoping that someone would go on my profile and "out" me (I was praying it was Arpi) but no one did. So then when Gonzo mentioned blogs, I just dropped it in there. But even when I did, I wasn't really raked over the coals for it. No one mocked the posts or anything. I was really upset.
It's really eerie that the kid is from New York is in his late 20s and is a Sox fan.
It's not me. I swear to God.
PS. I was on the subway today and I noticed for the first time that the map of Greater New York looks like male genitals. Manhattan is a flacid penis and Brooklyn is the testicles.
However, rest assured I am not now, nor will I ever be a blogger.