Full Version: In this thread, DIG will tell us about his weekend
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in full debauchorous detail
Someone posted his bail?
he didnt need bail. i bet he is all talk no action.
I'm sure it was a fun-filled & glorious weekend.
Like he can remember anything in an alcoholic blackout.
he is probably a thimble belly. all of his so called edginess on the board is a mask for what is a very timid life.
i worked and entertained a barfull of pitt alumni, it worked out very well since they beat notre dame in overtime. i then went on to drink at several bars and if you want the full story you will have to contact me directly.
wait, sorry. i temporarily forgot my name
i really hate when that happens
DIG is a pussy
What? Ok. I fucked a gook whore at some bath house. Afterward she gave me two cans of soda. It was awesome! We also grabbed a bum, threw him in our taxi and forced him to buy us coke in some toilet part of town. We tipped the bum and the taxi guy really well afterward but they were shitting we were all shitting our pants. It was awesome! One night my other buddies hired two escorts, they came up to our room and blew them (I fell asleep in the other room down one floor). Before she was done with my last buddy, she said she had to go get another condom out of her car. Both of the girls left and they never came back! It was awesome (so I heard)! Then we went to a few shitty bars. One was called Dick's Last Resort where the help gets all snotty with you. It was awesome! I forget the name of the other place but the bar tender was some younger guy who kept fucking with me because I was so loaded. He kept scooting my beer closer to me and asking me if I needed another because I guess I wasn't drinking fast enough for him. So one time he does it again and I sez touch my beer again and I'll bite off one of your fingers fuckface and if I want something from you i'll ask you but until then piss off! It was awesome!
i dont believe a word of it
I believe every word of it
if a punk band turned it into lyrics it would become your new political manifesto
sounds fairly pedestrian
arpi has found a new gag
if only it were a gag
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