Full Version: FREE subscriptions to Gaming magazines - Xbox Nation or EGM
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:thumbs-up: Thanks bud.
I don't even have an XBox, but I do like free stuff.
you just like to get mail don't you? it makes you feel like you're important.
It says my name on it!
You should know how good it feels to have something in your mail box while you're away at school.
Keep your euphemisms for teen tomato boy love out of this thread.
2 tired 2 give N F Wrote:You should know how good it feels to have something in your mail box while you're away at school.
yeah, wait til they're all bills and you just have a sigh of relief when your mail box is empty.
Quote:Keep your euphemisms for teen tomato boy love out of this thread.
I didn't say MALE box I said mail box. Perv