Full Version: people who consider rocky IV the best rocky movie
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that was the best long ass post ive ever read on this board.
I know, Hedcold shoud win poster of the year! What a brilliant post! I wish he did more of that! That type of comedy hasn't existed since me and Sleeper teamed up back in the day.
I like ketchup on my eggs, and Rocky's 1-3 are the only ones that exist as far as I'm concerned.
Ah, the Sleeper and Galt comedy troupe. Those were the days
We did have some good stuff before you thought you could be a one man show
I don't remember that, boy have I gone down hill since
it was like simon and garfunkle breaking up.

i too enjoy ketchup with my eggs. goat cheese is glorious inside an omlette.
Hot sauce on eggs, ketchup... no.
The Sleeper Wrote:IV is my least favorite
there is something seriously wrong with you
You must listen to the soundtrack again! Especially "Training Montage"
drusilla Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:IV is my least favorite
there is something seriously wrong with you
well since he refuses to acknowlege the existence of V then I must agree.
Quote:IV had Hulk Hogan!
III did...

Quote:goat cheese is glorious inside an omlette.
You can't talk about a dad like that. When he was just a husband it was ok but now he's a some respect.
Thunderlips The Ultimate Male versus the Ultimate Meatball!!!
I was really torn during that fight...on the one hand I liked Rocky...but on the other I was a WWF fan and really liked Hogan...I couldn't decide...I just prayed that no one got hurt too bad...
Clubber Lang is hands down the best rocky opponent.
Mick was at his best in Rocky II. If you don't get goose bumps during the 'Win Rocky Win' scene then your balls don't work. I rank them I-V
You just rank them that way because that's the way that Gonzo did and you are his lackey!
Whoever would win a race to the Rocky statue has the most valid opinion.
None of the above.
i put hot sauce on just about anything
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