Full Version: Where is everyone?
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Pages: 1 2
Who's the girl in the bg then?
more message board trash
There are definatly days I'm happy I've never been to a board event.
Buttmunch Wrote:Why don't you put this post on your box mom's?
it would'nt get any replies.
Goatweed Wrote:
Buttmunch Wrote:Why don't you put this post on your box mom's?
it would'nt get any replies.
The man speaks the truth.
I took a hiatus and didn't make it public, I just realized that.

anyway, pretend I did and now worship my return, come on!!
Hiatus = Found some pussy to chase
Actually it was work, I just had a ton of paperwork, it's amazing the amount of paper that just gets wasted for nothing. I got this one guy, it's a simple refinance with a miniscule loan to value and they need 50 different things to verify his employment and everytime I get them what they want they want something else. It's as if they simply don't wanna do the work and keep on giving you shit to hunt down in hopes that you give up.

As far as pussy, hookers require no chasing my friend!!!
sorry about that gonz
I'm gonna be waitin for you!!
Pages: 1 2