Full Version: Happy Birthday - to the pasty face white boy.
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<center>[Image: Good_work.jpg]</center>
get some god damn sun cracker
That picture makes me look like some faggy artistic guy.

It's perfect.
<td><tr bgcolor = purple><font size = 50; color = Blue>The Jays</font></tr></td>
Happy Birthday, artsy fartsy boy.
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday pal!
have a happy one!!!
like totally happy birthday!
Happy birthday, you sexy beast.
happy late birthday shants
Thank you for the warm greetings from you all. I got an 80 gig external hard drive, a 128 mb flash card/mp3 player, and a new shirt and pants for work. But those gifts are nothing compared to the jubilation I feel within my bosom that comes from reading the greetings from my fellow board members, who love and cherish and hold dear to my heart.
happy belated birthday to you!
yeah way to be timely!!

happy b'day buddy!