Full Version: I think this has been my desktop for too long - I'm starting to see faces in Stonehenge
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[Image: faces.jpg]
i've been there
are there faces in the stone?
not that i saw
If there was anyone here that was bound to see them, it'd be me.

And I don't see them.
Oh come on! Some of them are just as clear as day. The second and third from the left. The last two on the right! You can't miss them.
Wait! Yes!

The 4th one in definitely looks like Louis Gosset Jr.
i normally see faces in weird things, but here, not so much
I've never been there, but I'd like to go one day.
my sig is on my desktop.

the faces are creepy. but not as creepy as the things that come out of your butt in dreamcatcher
the book was sooooooo much better than that piece of shit of a film.
I see a face in the first one, the 6th one looks like a female torso.
Goatweed Wrote:the book was sooooooo much better than that piece of shit of a film.
seriously. the first half of the movie was good but they really fucked up the ending.
next time use photoshop instead of paint.