12-24-2004, 08:42 AM
Courtesy of O&A Uncensored
WankFellow has entered the room.
oauncensored: mr fellow
WankFellow: that was quick
oauncensored: thanks for coming
oauncensored: may i have a few minutes?
The Clear sTuFF: damn
The Clear sTuFF: thats not gooch
WankFellow: surrre
fbdlingfrg: well my interview is being prempted now
oauncensored: you go by gooch on the boards
oauncensored: whats the genesis of your name?
WankFellow: sometimes
The Clear sTuFF: such a good interviewer
fbdlingfrg: he really is
oauncensored: sometimes greasyitalianprincess
oauncensored: sometimes wanky?
oauncensored: why gooch?
fbdlingfrg: hard hitting questions
WankFellow: Gooch, besides the obvious different strokes bully....was actually more taken from Stand By Me from the coin flip
WankFellow: The Goocher
oauncensored: ah i see
WankFellow: bad luck
SBlueman Radio: ok back...what did I miss?
oauncensored: and you began posting in the O&A scene on opieanthony.com?
oauncensored: during the days of crybabyhowie
oauncensored: and jimmysnukka?
fbdlingfrg: meatflaps?
WankFellow: after the bangparty, i came on to bring up the point that they asked for it by trying to get close to the showe..it was their own fault
WankFellow: it didn't go well
oauncensored: you didnt post before bang party?
WankFellow: i had read, but not posted
oauncensored: i see
oauncensored: interesting
fbdlingfrg: dude...there were like 4 people who posted before the bang party
oauncensored: when did you begin your famous photoshopping?
oauncensored: what was your first graphic you did?
SBlueman Radio: is it storytime?
SBlueman Radio: I need milk and cookies
SBlueman Radio: brb
WankFellow: i saw people did creative stuff...like howie...and i decided to do my first based on the fiasco from the ben stein "jew" incident
The Clear sTuFF: oh man that was classic!!!!
oauncensored: do you still have that sig?
WankFellow: so i tried to base it on what was going on at the show
WankFellow: yeah..somewhere
oauncensored: excellent
oauncensored: you became quite well known for those photoshop jobs
RnFTooCute has left the room.
oauncensored: your claim to fame, is that correct?
WankFellow: your girlfriend must be with her family with all this freetime you have
oauncensored: focus please mr fellow
The Clear sTuFF: ************8
fbdlingfrg: OH HE GOT YOU THERE
oauncensored: yeah she is dammi
WankFellow: yes, besides being made mod in less than a month on the board
oauncensored: dammit
oauncensored: excellent
WankFellow: sory man..its obvious
oauncensored: im bored out of my skull, if you must know
oauncensored: wow
WankFellow: no sex..keyser gets fun
oauncensored: a mod in a month?
oauncensored: how did that happen so quickly?
oauncensored: what would you say attributed to that?
WankFellow: i started in oct..by early Nocv i was mod
WankFellow: i guess a start with fighting with everyone, then they kind of let me be..and we all got along. i think it was on howies recommendation...who i fought with on my first few days
WankFellow: italianprincess, who i insulted on that day...didn't like that
oauncensored: what was the climate like behind the scenes then?
The Clear sTuFF: she is a fat mess
oauncensored: was IP a mod at the time?
WankFellow: yup
WankFellow: IP and upuauat were close
oauncensored: so i would assume that the behind the scenes was quite hostile at that time
WankFellow: and when i recommended sean as mod, and froy also agreed...IP and upu got threatened b/c evidently they thought they had some control in their own minds
WankFellow: BTS was rather tame, actually
The Clear sTuFF: lololol
oauncensored: did IP and upu revolt?
WankFellow: day after i was modded, justjon was demodded and Slash was made mod
The Clear sTuFF: that was a bunch of shit.
oauncensored: why was jon demoded?
WankFellow: no..that happened when Gonzostyle was modded
oauncensored: hold on, lets do this one at a time
WankFellow: he was fuckin around by deleting peoples posts, if memory serves me..of someone he didn't like
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: upuuaut orchestrated that
WankFellow: thus a couple of battles in threads
oauncensored: so he was using his moderater power for his own personal reasons
WankFellow: that was implied. jon denied it
oauncensored: with upuat pulling the strings?
WankFellow: in retrospect...who knows
thekmanredux: i agree with SLASH being mod over justjon
oauncensored: describe SLASH for us
WankFellow: at the time, he spearheaded effort and ran a chat to talk about it..i knew nothing of it...so
thekmanredux: or MotleyCrue as he was known at the time
oauncensored: he's a bit of an enigmatic figure, is he not?
WankFellow: he's just like everyone else
WankFellow: in the end
oauncensored: but nobody ever actually met him in person
oauncensored: did they?
thekmanredux: yes
WankFellow: sure they did
oauncensored: really?
thekmanredux: he was at the last pool tourney
WankFellow: sleeper, myself, sean, magoo
MSteels has left the room.
oauncensored: wow
thekmanredux: nope not me
The Clear sTuFF: ahahah MAGUS
The Clear sTuFF: hahahah FAGUS
oauncensored: i did not know that
WankFellow: oh thats right..he weirded you out
thekmanredux: haha
The Clear sTuFF: oh whats that about
thekmanredux: should i DISH about SLASH
The Clear sTuFF: whatd he try to do, live with you or something?
thekmanredux: yea
The Clear sTuFF: oh...really?
thekmanredux: yea really
The Clear sTuFF: ....weird
oauncensored: this is the GOOCH interview
thekmanredux: just clearing up facts
WankFellow: yeah..fuck slash
WankFellow: this is MY time
oauncensored: back to gooch
thekmanredux: i never met slash, that is all
oauncensored: now
WankFellow: as little as i get
WankFellow: trust me..you missed nothing
fbdlingfrg: it was MY interview...before gooch came
oauncensored: tell us about the last days of OA.com
oauncensored: and what part you played
fbdlingfrg: although i am a very crappy subject
WankFellow: last days of OA was actually foreshadowed by the Alliyah stuff and galt getting under fm jeff's skin. the CDIH personalities were getting good at that
oauncensored: jeff played a part?
WankFellow: i had stepped down months before and posted mostly on cdih
WankFellow: no
WankFellow: but the sentiment
WankFellow: built from around there
The Clear sTuFF: aaliyah stuff?
fbdlingfrg: jeff sucked
WankFellow: b/c jeff talks to steve, steve talks to ant
WankFellow: etc
WankFellow: plus anthony and roger both posted and read site
oauncensored: seph posted a sig ALLIYAH MUST DIE my notes say
fbdlingfrg: he got all pissed about the threads making fun of aaliyah, remember?
oauncensored: and jeff was upset by that
WankFellow: you maybe right
thekmanredux: man you have some extensive notes
WankFellow: galt got deleted though
oauncensored: so jeff sort of started the domino chain
WankFellow: it was his posts that set it off
fbdlingfrg: galt didnt...OAAWITE did
oauncensored: to ants ear
WankFellow: not necessarily but it kind of began then
oauncensored: my notes show that galt was OAAWITE at the time
fbdlingfrg: thats better
oauncensored: when and why did you leave OA.com and move to CDIH , Gooch?
WankFellow: and wrapped up with DIG and galt pissing Anthony and roger off that Froy was asked to pull plug
fbdlingfrg: its funny because did and galt killed oa.com
The Clear sTuFF: theyd been kicked off air already, no?
WankFellow: i left b/c cdih was less drama and i was finding the BTS full of drama, and just people taking themselves and the site too seriously
The Clear sTuFF: did it have anything to do with that asshole wbk, mocking you?
WankFellow: i had enjoyed seans board, and the "new car smell" of it was exciting to most of us
oauncensored: describe CDIH for us
WankFellow: new place, old folks
WankFellow: wbk mocking?
The Clear sTuFF: yeah, the constant razzing
oauncensored: do you think the new mods are lazy for not have started the end of year awards yet?
oauncensored: on CDIH
WankFellow: yup. good notes. alkey must have let you in to read BTS. but that was really faceman
WankFellow: i thought it was pointless b/c they waited so long
oauncensored: im confused
oauncensored: BTS , alkey?
oauncensored: faceman?
thekmanredux: yea man stop being cryptic
thekmanredux: this is an interview, not an inside joke forum
fbdlingfrg: this isnt inside jokes?
WankFellow: BTS: behind the scenes...alkey has passwords or at least FTL did to let you read it if you wanted. its there on the yourmomsbox
oauncensored: im talking about this years end of year awards
WankFellow: i figured you read for research
fbdlingfrg: i thought that that was what our chats were for
oauncensored: on CDIH
WankFellow: this years????
WankFellow: not a clue
oauncensored: what were you referring to?
oauncensored: OA.com ?
WankFellow: b/c at time i left OA.com was doing that
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: and was so late it was a point of contention in BTS
oauncensored: so the old BTS is still accessible on YMB?
WankFellow: b/c everyone was halfassing it..and you had people who didn't care..and another side overcompensating
WankFellow: yup
oauncensored: interesting
oauncensored: you think alkey should make that public now?
WankFellow: if alkey can open it. ftl could
oauncensored: it would be quite a find if he did
WankFellow: sure...good material
oauncensored: anything shocking in there?
WankFellow: ftl opened it for me to read for shits and giggles again
WankFellow: not particularly
WankFellow: same as yours
WankFellow: probably
oauncensored: tell us about wackbag
oauncensored: what is wackbag?
WankFellow: wackbag was the redheaded retarded stepchild
WankFellow: to oa.com
WankFellow: and knew it
WankFellow: and stingray, seeing our free-for-all during that heyday, didn't like it..and commented on it on oa.com
WankFellow: and caused a ruckus
oauncensored: what did he say?
WankFellow: ran back to his site with his tail between his legs, and was very bitter.
WankFellow: he said nobody would get away with that on his site, or something to that affect
WankFellow: i got under his skin..he threatened me
oauncensored: do you think he was trying to cull favor from the show?
WankFellow: sean, who i was friendly with, was mod there..got pissed
oauncensored: as THE message board for Opie and Anthony?
WankFellow: they always have wanted it
WankFellow: they are like the kid who never got attention
oauncensored: and now they sort of have become the defacto message board
WankFellow: so now is their time
oauncensored: with .com being gone
The Clear sTuFF: they all stink
WankFellow: they are the SNL "superstar"
oauncensored: do you think they will thrive?
WankFellow: they will be the "official" messageboard
oauncensored: there seems to be some friction with their heavy handed modding
WankFellow: no longer defacto
WankFellow: stingray won't care
WankFellow: he's "in"
WankFellow: took him years
oauncensored: do you think that will cause their demise to be so censored?
WankFellow: it will let other sites thrive
fbdlingfrg: did stingray "donate" to get on the show?
oauncensored: such as opieanthony.net ?
WankFellow: .net isn't high on my list..they are cdih wannabees who like thew wolf mentality but not much to back it up
WankFellow: and their membership numbers are a complete farce
oauncensored: who do you see as being the wackbag alternative?
WankFellow: its an open field. it may remain in no clear #2 or #3 in the long run
WankFellow: people won't be satisfied by the draconian style that wackbag is run..but then again, visit to be mentione dor part of show
WankFellow: so lots of people will be multi-siting
oauncensored: do you know anything about stingray "donating" money to the show to get in studio for the 55 gallon drum challenge?
WankFellow: poor .net is going to miss you when your gal comes home
oauncensored: shush
WankFellow: nope..doesn't surprise me
fbdlingfrg: i already asked that...not that my stuff is read
oauncensored: do you know anything about stingray or his friends threatening sean cold?
WankFellow: yes
oauncensored: really?
oauncensored: tell us a little about that
WankFellow: after i was threatened, sean got pissed, quit as mod, and flushed out his entire section on wackbag
WankFellow: sometime after..not sure if it was after sean was made mod, or before, note was put on his door
WankFellow: he WAS NOT happy
The Clear sTuFF: well blogger is gonna hear about this...
oauncensored: when sean was made a mod on OA.com ?
WankFellow: after all that went down..stingray was very lowkey for a long time
WankFellow: few weeks later. froy wanted someone with balls.
oauncensored: what did the note say?
WankFellow: upuauat and IP weren't happy
WankFellow: that i don't recall
oauncensored: but it was threatening?
WankFellow: yup
oauncensored: did upuauat and IP leave soon after sean was modded?
WankFellow: no..after gonzo was
WankFellow: i think
oauncensored: why did they hate gonzo so much?
WankFellow: it was more when they got off infopop site
WankFellow: and made new one
WankFellow: upuauat and ip were already bitter and aloof
WankFellow: b/c they felt a powershift
WankFellow: i guess they really thought they were in control
oauncensored: would you say froy was pretty hands off?
WankFellow: there were rumors that faceman was upu's personal pick, etc
WankFellow: actually, he was...almost too much so at first..and then too much on at the last
oauncensored: what was his role later on?
WankFellow: faceman rumors were false, btw
WankFellow: didn't give two shits as long as he got to sit near anthony and melinda
WankFellow: at events
oauncensored: so he was mostly interested in the site as an "IN" for the show?
WankFellow: not at first
WankFellow: but at end...it was more about him and his heroes
oauncensored: what was OTL?
WankFellow: that was the product of an idea long before the demise
WankFellow: where we all thought we should come up with something
WankFellow: and made a thread about it
oauncensored: in BTS?
WankFellow: froy too reigns. justjon wanted to take credit and did nothing..so he was first fired
WankFellow: no..in Off topic
WankFellow: public thread
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: people from that thread stepped up and planned something
oauncensored: what happened to OTL?
oauncensored: take us through the history and its demise
WankFellow: and then it became something else...and then there was such antifroy sentiment it had no play
WankFellow: otl started with gonzo, magus, fn moron, and a bunch of others providing material
WankFellow: fm jeff was paid to code it
WankFellow: i did art and look and feel right before my surgery
WankFellow: then people didn't get along
The Clear sTuFF: this surgery....a sex change, no?
WankFellow: my cock was reduced
oauncensored: man in the box, get back in the box
WankFellow: from my own ass
The Clear sTuFF: well played.
oauncensored: touche
oauncensored: its been the subject of hacking, has it?
oauncensored: OTL that is
WankFellow: yes..last i saw...it was hacked to pieces and left for dead
WankFellow: the only reason it got play for a while was articles written by some friends and myself
oauncensored: tell us about YMB
WankFellow: we got fark pickups, etc
oauncensored: what is YMB?
WankFellow: then nada
WankFellow: ymb was fTL stealing the code
WankFellow: and the mailing list
oauncensored: what code?
WankFellow: making two sites..one the old one put up, and the other, the new, with alkey behind that..and he used OA.coms mailing list to plug it
WankFellow: Froy wanted to sue them
oauncensored: wow
WankFellow: FTL stole the code before he left
WankFellow: he was talked out of it
WankFellow: b/c ymb was a breath of fresh air
WankFellow: and got some play
oauncensored: did FTL build the old .com ?
WankFellow: no..he had the code "keys" as it were late in the game..and took it with him
WankFellow: he has nothing to do with the builds
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: back in the day
oauncensored: why did he have a falling out with froy?
WankFellow: ftl had a thing for being the bad guy and soaked up the sentiment...saying good things to froy, and stabbed him in back
oauncensored: he wanted to share in the taking down of .com ?
oauncensored: the spotlight of it ?
WankFellow: once he joined cdih, the demise of OA was his chance to say shit and grab code and shake things up
WankFellow: exactly
WankFellow: he was on the coattails
oauncensored: he kind of disappeared now
oauncensored: didnt he?
WankFellow: Amber Alerty
WankFellow: Alert
oauncensored: ???
WankFellow: damn..ruined my own joke
WankFellow: FTL likes kids...get it
oauncensored: no
WankFellow: noelle was 16 when he dated her
oauncensored: thats not in my notes
oauncensored: oh i see
WankFellow: he's the Michael Jackson of messageboards
oauncensored: eww
oauncensored: anyway
oauncensored: moving on
oauncensored: what happened between you and YMB
oauncensored: did you have some sort of falling out?
WankFellow: YMB..he pissed alkey off right off the bat by modding haut baux and amy
oauncensored: oh lets go with that
oauncensored: and get to your falling out later
WankFellow: he modded them without asking
WankFellow: and did lots of stuff
WankFellow: i read BTS in YMB
oauncensored: so alkey and FTL had a sort of contemptuous relationship
WankFellow: he wanted to ban rooner, me, sleeper
WankFellow: ftl had it all go to his head
oauncensored: how did you read BTS?
WankFellow: huge control issues
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: alkey once admined me, and mods who were here let me read...alkey knew
WankFellow: he mentioned it.
WankFellow: one of the biggest things he ever did...FTL that is
WankFellow: is hole me...and take my PM i sent to Alkey...and posted it in BTS
oauncensored: what did your PM say?
WankFellow: and then he holed crack
WankFellow: i told alkey ftl had huge control issues and holed people who didn't belong, and when i took him to task, he holed me
oauncensored: so admins could actually read PMs there?
WankFellow: eventually, ftl was removed
WankFellow: they still can
oauncensored: interesting
WankFellow: it was there...then removed, and then put back by ftl and kept there ever since
oauncensored: what led to your falling out with YMB?
WankFellow: this the PM joke: reading gippy's PMs
WankFellow: none, actually. i was asked to make a site, i did. i posted on it, ymb and cdih. but some people started to go elsewhere more
oauncensored: alkey seemed pissed over it
WankFellow: though with some people being allowed carte blanche to say what they want..it made YMB uncomfortable..and the mods never wanted to go to alkey and band together to suggest changes. and alkey just wanted it to be not so dramatic
WankFellow: so between both those mentalities...things fermented
oauncensored: you thought YMB was too uncensored?
WankFellow: i said on ymb what i thought. that seemed to get people huffy. i just felt i should share it
WankFellow: no, thats not it
WankFellow: it was complaining about chat threads and things header and topper did on one side..and then giving cdih pals free reign to push envelope on other. it was inconsistent
oauncensored: do you talk to alkey now?
WankFellow: so made people feel that his friends got favors...and that sentiment, plus ymb jumped shark..fermented
WankFellow: off and on. we talked during and after so-called "blowout"
oauncensored: has it been squashed?
WankFellow: i beleive so.
WankFellow: i have no illwill towards alkey. i think he's a great guy and i appreciated ymb being there, and his effort
oauncensored: thats all i have, any questions from the peanut gallery before i start the Bernard Pivot questionairre?
WankFellow: they are all napping
fbdlingfrg: can we talk again?
oauncensored: shoot
WankFellow: they fell asleep at Alliyah
thekmanredux: riveting
thekmanredux: simply riveting
oauncensored: your question, mr kman?
WankFellow: the kman apt story will be quite a treat
thekmanredux: i have no questions
oauncensored: i intend to interview sleeper and galt
oauncensored: ok
WankFellow: good deal
oauncensored: on with the questionairre
oauncensored: what turns you on?
WankFellow: no questions..and such juicy tidbits never approached
oauncensored: wait
WankFellow: creativity and ideas
oauncensored: anything you think we may have missed?
WankFellow: nope. not a thing
The Clear sTuFF: how many keyboards do you go through a year?
WankFellow: one
The Clear sTuFF: and your thoughts on cage's photoshop skills?
WankFellow: quantity < quality
oauncensored: ah good question
oauncensored: i almost forgot that one
WankFellow: he's good but too eager and sloppy
The Clear sTuFF: so...he sucks
WankFellow: he's like Fez
The Clear sTuFF: the gay guy?
fbdlingfrg: who was better: you or afrika?
WankFellow: no, the poster, you yit
The Clear sTuFF: are you saying fez the poster was not gay?
WankFellow: we are both losers. next question
WankFellow:
oauncensored: do you think afrika tries to hard to fit in?
thekmanredux: how many board females have rejected you
WankFellow: not as many as you might think
thekmanredux: i dont think anything
thekmanredux: im asking a question
fbdlingfrg: so under 100...
WankFellow: exactly
The Clear sTuFF: whats with toronto hottie
The Clear sTuFF: what is the hottie referring to?
thekmanredux: yea whats the deal with that
WankFellow: be more specific.
WankFellow: nothing there
The Clear sTuFF: no im asking you, why do you think she has Hottie in her username
WankFellow: just a friend. i'm friendly with her brother, roo
The Clear sTuFF: ok so why does she think shes hot, is what im asking.
The Clear sTuFF: THE PROOF
oauncensored: serious questions only please
fbdlingfrg: her brother is kanga's kid?
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF: so...ive seen the pudding
The Clear sTuFF: and im thinking...not such good looking pudding.
The Clear sTuFF: does she go in the misleading username hall of fame
The Clear sTuFF: with wnewsGIRL and grkqt?
thekmanredux: haahhahaha
WankFellow: that pic is from lots of alcohol, a missed flight and 8 hours at an airport, and her getting to NY at midnight
The Clear sTuFF: that is the same excuse avril used
WankFellow: just a fyi. but to each their own opinion
WankFellow: i was there for it. i wasn't there with avril
fbdlingfrg: does anybody make comments stupider than me?
The Clear sTuFF: yeah, to each their own, i like hot girls that are really hot, and you like hot girls that blame unattractiveness on air travel.
WankFellow: ha ha..there ya go
The Clear sTuFF: :-D
oauncensored: any other questions before i begin the Bernard Pivot questionairre?
The Clear sTuFF: *wink wink nudge nudge*
The Clear sTuFF: lololol
thekmanredux: just make witht he questionaire
oauncensored: what turns you off?
The Clear sTuFF: no
The Clear sTuFF: denise
The Clear sTuFF: ask questions
WankFellow: narrowmindedness
thekmanredux: whats to ask
The Clear sTuFF: i dont know figure something out
thekmanredux: i dont care that much
thekmanredux: its gooch for god sakes
WankFellow:
oauncensored: what is your favorite word?
WankFellow: cock
WankFellow: i don't watch it
thekmanredux: not funny at all
oauncensored: what is your least favorite word?
The Clear sTuFF: i agree, not funny
The Clear sTuFF: i have to take a shit
WankFellow: politically correct
thekmanredux: thats 2 words
WankFellow: tough
thekmanredux: cheater
oauncensored: 1 word please
WankFellow: das golden age gets what he wants
WankFellow: PC
thekmanredux: thats an acronym
oauncensored: yeah
oauncensored: try again
WankFellow: gentile
SBlueman Radio: did anyone discuss froy's nude pic?
fbdlingfrg: fucking hating jews...
oauncensored: no
WankFellow: ha ha
thekmanredux: too late sblueman
WankFellow: i think thats online still
SBlueman Radio: shit...
fbdlingfrg: can we go back and have that discussed?
SBlueman Radio: like usual...the SU section is a day late and a dollar short
WankFellow: Slash loved his lyrics to the "i'm on fire" idea
fbdlingfrg: fuck the questionare
WankFellow: barch made a page
WankFellow: somewhere
thekmanredux: i have a fun insight about that
WankFellow: prob on dummyschool
thekmanredux: when im interviweed
WankFellow: so do i...psychobitch had crush on froy
SBlueman Radio: so who did froy send it to?
WankFellow: and got reproached
WankFellow: and got revenge
WankFellow: to psychobitch
SBlueman Radio: and then she posted it all over?
WankFellow: his "pal" norton was known for sending cock pics to women.
WankFellow: so froy, when given the chance
SBlueman Radio: so he sent her a pic of his clit?
WankFellow: did the same...and GOT BURNED
WankFellow: he never uttered a word about it
WankFellow: but i was friendly with her then
SBlueman Radio: was there any members of oa.com who suffered any consequences after the picture was released?
WankFellow: ha ha..no
thekmanredux: im surprised no one had hte balls to post the pic there
WankFellow: by then, most were on cdih
SBlueman Radio: it was posted on cdih?
thekmanredux: yea
WankFellow: yes, at one time it was
fbdlingfrg: a few times, i think
SBlueman Radio: too funny
thekmanredux: arpi made it into alkeys sig pic
WankFellow: i had never seen it until a good year later
SBlueman Radio: now it's gone
oauncensored: i never saw
WankFellow: when slash gave it to me as a link without saying what it was
WankFellow: fuckin douchebag..i could have lived without seeing it
thekmanredux: no, no you couldnt have
fbdlingfrg: i wish i never saw it
SBlueman Radio: my life will not be complete until I see it myself
WankFellow: jeez
WankFellow: glutton for punishment
fbdlingfrg: interesting...
thekmanredux: and as a postscript, username : Froys4incher was BANNEd from wackbag
oauncensored: gooch
oauncensored: what sound or noise do you love?
WankFellow: lets see tidbits you missed: sean deleted himself after oa.com demise
WankFellow: laughter
oauncensored: oh go on with the tidbits
The Clear sTuFF: ahahhaha
oauncensored: please
oauncensored: we got that from sting before
oauncensored: and gonzo
WankFellow: and he railed on afrika about deleting himself..but sean did it after oa.com demise
The Clear sTuFF: i never swa that picture
WankFellow: slash got himself deleted, per his request...from ymb and cdih
WankFellow: froy fucked teenslut
WankFellow: lets see, what else...
The Clear sTuFF: who fucked TeenSlut
The Clear sTuFF: besides not me.
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF: and not someone who goes to college with her
WankFellow: not i
thekmanredux: not me
thekmanredux: obviously
The Clear sTuFF: yeah
The Clear sTuFF: OBVS
thekmanredux: DUH
fbdlingfrg: me?
The Clear sTuFF: nope, i said, and not the one who goes to college with her
fbdlingfrg: misread
WankFellow: drunkboy did when she was underage
thekmanredux: no....
The Clear sTuFF: yeah whats wrong with that
The Clear sTuFF: she was like 25, sexually.
The Clear sTuFF: ok, who fucked Shelle.
thekmanredux: who has gonzo fucked
WankFellow: not i, there either. she wanted to come to queens. i said no
thekmanredux: ahahhahahaha
The Clear sTuFF: pre or post surgery?
WankFellow: and i was just getting less fat then
WankFellow: post
thekmanredux: wow
The Clear sTuFF: WOW
WankFellow: yeah..didn't want any part of that
The Clear sTuFF: sleeper, you missed your chance with shelle
thekmanredux: I KNOW
The Clear sTuFF: gooch, did you ever sex AngelAndrew
The Clear sTuFF: *Amy
The Clear sTuFF: sorry
WankFellow: amy??? never
thekmanredux: she fucked slackjaw
WankFellow: no way
The Clear sTuFF: YECH
The Clear sTuFF: she must have a chyna clit
WankFellow: shelle or amy?
thekmanredux: amy
WankFellow: jesus
The Clear sTuFF: remember when O and A mocked her like no other
thekmanredux: yes
The Clear sTuFF: and then her immigrant boyfriend called in
fbdlingfrg: that was fun
thekmanredux: god he was the worst
thekmanredux: gooch, do you know who gonzo has fucked
WankFellow: the whole boredplanet thing blew up because amy read that someone called her fat on BP
WankFellow: i do on some...but i won't say aything about it
The Clear sTuFF: someone besides her mirror?
thekmanredux: ok
The Clear sTuFF: what about the rumors that Hybrid, was fucking Katylina.
thekmanredux: ahahaha
fbdlingfrg: uuuuugh
WankFellow: isn't she fucking pantera now
WankFellow: i think she's been around and then some
thekmanredux: even froy dumped her
fbdlingfrg: now that is sad
The Clear sTuFF: no, i think she is fucking the boy who worked in the pharmacy in home alone, whom she met through buzz.
The Clear sTuFF: *crash*
thekmanredux: haha
thekmanredux: where is james lipton
WankFellow: his gal is on the phone
WankFellow: "i miss you honey"
The Clear sTuFF: gooch how come you are relatively funny in here
The Clear sTuFF: but on the board, never.
WankFellow: i don't know. i'm funny in person to
thekmanredux: or how come you are only funny under other names
WankFellow: b/c of expectation, and i'm more into it
thekmanredux: so you were in fact grumpy gillis
The Clear sTuFF: god, imagine if you were fucking someone whose username on the internet was the name of a band that hasnt been popular in at least 10 years.
WankFellow: i have a lot less time to fuck around on board..though lately i do b/c i need the distraction
WankFellow: yup..grumpy was me
thekmanredux: see he was pretty funny
WankFellow: i'm the peter sellers of cdih
WankFellow: being me sucks
WankFellow: being someone else..thats fun
thekmanredux: yea but you actualyl attempt to be funny as you, and it just doesnt work
oauncensored: i actually was just on the phone with er
oauncensored: her
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF has left the room.
WankFellow: maybe it's lack of inspiration
The Clear sTuFF has entered the room.
WankFellow: your gal just called wbk
WankFellow: oh, wait..she hung up
oauncensored: i hope not
The Clear sTuFF: who
The Clear sTuFF: torontohottie?
oauncensored: hes quite the ladies man
The Clear sTuFF: yeah i am
oauncensored: gooch
oauncensored: what is you least favorite sound?
WankFellow: shit hitting the water
WankFellow: unless its mine
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
WankFellow: actor
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you NOT want to attempt?
WankFellow: CPA
oauncensored: what is your favorite curse word?
WankFellow: cockface
oauncensored: if heaven exists, what would you like to hear G-d say to you as you enter the Pearly Gates?
The Clear sTuFF: "thanks for canada"
WankFellow: nothing b/c there is no god
oauncensored: assuming there is
thekmanredux: man you have to go alomng with the question
oauncensored: you have to assume there is
WankFellow: gooch..you were worst poster ever, but i still love ya
thekmanredux: ahah
fbdlingfrg: ha...god thinks you're worse than me
WankFellow: no..you went to hell
thekmanredux: god doesnt notice you
WankFellow: you don't count
fbdlingfrg: that makes more sense
thekmanredux: when is my interview
SBlueman Radio: a gift: click here
fbdlingfrg: when gooch finally finishes
WankFellow: ha ha
thekmanredux: gooch's is over
oauncensored: gooch, we have had our differences in the past and in the recent past but you have my respect, thanks for your time
WankFellow: well, that actually means something to me. your welcome
Edited By Keyser Soze on 1103877925
WankFellow has entered the room.
oauncensored: mr fellow
WankFellow: that was quick
oauncensored: thanks for coming
oauncensored: may i have a few minutes?
The Clear sTuFF: damn
The Clear sTuFF: thats not gooch
WankFellow: surrre
fbdlingfrg: well my interview is being prempted now
oauncensored: you go by gooch on the boards
oauncensored: whats the genesis of your name?
WankFellow: sometimes
The Clear sTuFF: such a good interviewer
fbdlingfrg: he really is
oauncensored: sometimes greasyitalianprincess
oauncensored: sometimes wanky?
oauncensored: why gooch?
fbdlingfrg: hard hitting questions
WankFellow: Gooch, besides the obvious different strokes bully....was actually more taken from Stand By Me from the coin flip
WankFellow: The Goocher
oauncensored: ah i see
WankFellow: bad luck
SBlueman Radio: ok back...what did I miss?
oauncensored: and you began posting in the O&A scene on opieanthony.com?
oauncensored: during the days of crybabyhowie
oauncensored: and jimmysnukka?
fbdlingfrg: meatflaps?
WankFellow: after the bangparty, i came on to bring up the point that they asked for it by trying to get close to the showe..it was their own fault
WankFellow: it didn't go well
oauncensored: you didnt post before bang party?
WankFellow: i had read, but not posted
oauncensored: i see
oauncensored: interesting
fbdlingfrg: dude...there were like 4 people who posted before the bang party
oauncensored: when did you begin your famous photoshopping?
oauncensored: what was your first graphic you did?
SBlueman Radio: is it storytime?
SBlueman Radio: I need milk and cookies
SBlueman Radio: brb
WankFellow: i saw people did creative stuff...like howie...and i decided to do my first based on the fiasco from the ben stein "jew" incident
The Clear sTuFF: oh man that was classic!!!!
oauncensored: do you still have that sig?
WankFellow: so i tried to base it on what was going on at the show
WankFellow: yeah..somewhere
oauncensored: excellent
oauncensored: you became quite well known for those photoshop jobs
RnFTooCute has left the room.
oauncensored: your claim to fame, is that correct?
WankFellow: your girlfriend must be with her family with all this freetime you have
oauncensored: focus please mr fellow
The Clear sTuFF: ************8
fbdlingfrg: OH HE GOT YOU THERE
oauncensored: yeah she is dammi
WankFellow: yes, besides being made mod in less than a month on the board
oauncensored: dammit
oauncensored: excellent
WankFellow: sory man..its obvious
oauncensored: im bored out of my skull, if you must know
oauncensored: wow
WankFellow: no sex..keyser gets fun
oauncensored: a mod in a month?
oauncensored: how did that happen so quickly?
oauncensored: what would you say attributed to that?
WankFellow: i started in oct..by early Nocv i was mod
WankFellow: i guess a start with fighting with everyone, then they kind of let me be..and we all got along. i think it was on howies recommendation...who i fought with on my first few days
WankFellow: italianprincess, who i insulted on that day...didn't like that
oauncensored: what was the climate like behind the scenes then?
The Clear sTuFF: she is a fat mess
oauncensored: was IP a mod at the time?
WankFellow: yup
WankFellow: IP and upuauat were close
oauncensored: so i would assume that the behind the scenes was quite hostile at that time
WankFellow: and when i recommended sean as mod, and froy also agreed...IP and upu got threatened b/c evidently they thought they had some control in their own minds
WankFellow: BTS was rather tame, actually
The Clear sTuFF: lololol
oauncensored: did IP and upu revolt?
WankFellow: day after i was modded, justjon was demodded and Slash was made mod
The Clear sTuFF: that was a bunch of shit.
oauncensored: why was jon demoded?
WankFellow: no..that happened when Gonzostyle was modded
oauncensored: hold on, lets do this one at a time
WankFellow: he was fuckin around by deleting peoples posts, if memory serves me..of someone he didn't like
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: upuuaut orchestrated that
WankFellow: thus a couple of battles in threads
oauncensored: so he was using his moderater power for his own personal reasons
WankFellow: that was implied. jon denied it
oauncensored: with upuat pulling the strings?
WankFellow: in retrospect...who knows
thekmanredux: i agree with SLASH being mod over justjon
oauncensored: describe SLASH for us
WankFellow: at the time, he spearheaded effort and ran a chat to talk about it..i knew nothing of it...so
thekmanredux: or MotleyCrue as he was known at the time
oauncensored: he's a bit of an enigmatic figure, is he not?
WankFellow: he's just like everyone else
WankFellow: in the end
oauncensored: but nobody ever actually met him in person
oauncensored: did they?
thekmanredux: yes
WankFellow: sure they did
oauncensored: really?
thekmanredux: he was at the last pool tourney
WankFellow: sleeper, myself, sean, magoo
MSteels has left the room.
oauncensored: wow
thekmanredux: nope not me
The Clear sTuFF: ahahah MAGUS
The Clear sTuFF: hahahah FAGUS
oauncensored: i did not know that
WankFellow: oh thats right..he weirded you out
thekmanredux: haha
The Clear sTuFF: oh whats that about
thekmanredux: should i DISH about SLASH
The Clear sTuFF: whatd he try to do, live with you or something?
thekmanredux: yea
The Clear sTuFF: oh...really?
thekmanredux: yea really
The Clear sTuFF: ....weird
oauncensored: this is the GOOCH interview
thekmanredux: just clearing up facts
WankFellow: yeah..fuck slash
WankFellow: this is MY time
oauncensored: back to gooch
thekmanredux: i never met slash, that is all
oauncensored: now
WankFellow: as little as i get
WankFellow: trust me..you missed nothing
fbdlingfrg: it was MY interview...before gooch came
oauncensored: tell us about the last days of OA.com
oauncensored: and what part you played
fbdlingfrg: although i am a very crappy subject
WankFellow: last days of OA was actually foreshadowed by the Alliyah stuff and galt getting under fm jeff's skin. the CDIH personalities were getting good at that
oauncensored: jeff played a part?
WankFellow: i had stepped down months before and posted mostly on cdih
WankFellow: no
WankFellow: but the sentiment
WankFellow: built from around there
The Clear sTuFF: aaliyah stuff?
fbdlingfrg: jeff sucked
WankFellow: b/c jeff talks to steve, steve talks to ant
WankFellow: etc
WankFellow: plus anthony and roger both posted and read site
oauncensored: seph posted a sig ALLIYAH MUST DIE my notes say
fbdlingfrg: he got all pissed about the threads making fun of aaliyah, remember?
oauncensored: and jeff was upset by that
WankFellow: you maybe right
thekmanredux: man you have some extensive notes
WankFellow: galt got deleted though
oauncensored: so jeff sort of started the domino chain
WankFellow: it was his posts that set it off
fbdlingfrg: galt didnt...OAAWITE did
oauncensored: to ants ear
WankFellow: not necessarily but it kind of began then
oauncensored: my notes show that galt was OAAWITE at the time
fbdlingfrg: thats better
oauncensored: when and why did you leave OA.com and move to CDIH , Gooch?
WankFellow: and wrapped up with DIG and galt pissing Anthony and roger off that Froy was asked to pull plug
fbdlingfrg: its funny because did and galt killed oa.com
The Clear sTuFF: theyd been kicked off air already, no?
WankFellow: i left b/c cdih was less drama and i was finding the BTS full of drama, and just people taking themselves and the site too seriously
The Clear sTuFF: did it have anything to do with that asshole wbk, mocking you?
WankFellow: i had enjoyed seans board, and the "new car smell" of it was exciting to most of us
oauncensored: describe CDIH for us
WankFellow: new place, old folks
WankFellow: wbk mocking?
The Clear sTuFF: yeah, the constant razzing
oauncensored: do you think the new mods are lazy for not have started the end of year awards yet?
oauncensored: on CDIH
WankFellow: yup. good notes. alkey must have let you in to read BTS. but that was really faceman
WankFellow: i thought it was pointless b/c they waited so long
oauncensored: im confused
oauncensored: BTS , alkey?
oauncensored: faceman?
thekmanredux: yea man stop being cryptic
thekmanredux: this is an interview, not an inside joke forum
fbdlingfrg: this isnt inside jokes?
WankFellow: BTS: behind the scenes...alkey has passwords or at least FTL did to let you read it if you wanted. its there on the yourmomsbox
oauncensored: im talking about this years end of year awards
WankFellow: i figured you read for research
fbdlingfrg: i thought that that was what our chats were for
oauncensored: on CDIH
WankFellow: this years????
WankFellow: not a clue
oauncensored: what were you referring to?
oauncensored: OA.com ?
WankFellow: b/c at time i left OA.com was doing that
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: and was so late it was a point of contention in BTS
oauncensored: so the old BTS is still accessible on YMB?
WankFellow: b/c everyone was halfassing it..and you had people who didn't care..and another side overcompensating
WankFellow: yup
oauncensored: interesting
oauncensored: you think alkey should make that public now?
WankFellow: if alkey can open it. ftl could
oauncensored: it would be quite a find if he did
WankFellow: sure...good material
oauncensored: anything shocking in there?
WankFellow: ftl opened it for me to read for shits and giggles again
WankFellow: not particularly
WankFellow: same as yours
WankFellow: probably
oauncensored: tell us about wackbag
oauncensored: what is wackbag?
WankFellow: wackbag was the redheaded retarded stepchild
WankFellow: to oa.com
WankFellow: and knew it
WankFellow: and stingray, seeing our free-for-all during that heyday, didn't like it..and commented on it on oa.com
WankFellow: and caused a ruckus
oauncensored: what did he say?
WankFellow: ran back to his site with his tail between his legs, and was very bitter.
WankFellow: he said nobody would get away with that on his site, or something to that affect
WankFellow: i got under his skin..he threatened me
oauncensored: do you think he was trying to cull favor from the show?
WankFellow: sean, who i was friendly with, was mod there..got pissed
oauncensored: as THE message board for Opie and Anthony?
WankFellow: they always have wanted it
WankFellow: they are like the kid who never got attention
oauncensored: and now they sort of have become the defacto message board
WankFellow: so now is their time
oauncensored: with .com being gone
The Clear sTuFF: they all stink
WankFellow: they are the SNL "superstar"
oauncensored: do you think they will thrive?
WankFellow: they will be the "official" messageboard
oauncensored: there seems to be some friction with their heavy handed modding
WankFellow: no longer defacto
WankFellow: stingray won't care
WankFellow: he's "in"
WankFellow: took him years
oauncensored: do you think that will cause their demise to be so censored?
WankFellow: it will let other sites thrive
fbdlingfrg: did stingray "donate" to get on the show?
oauncensored: such as opieanthony.net ?
WankFellow: .net isn't high on my list..they are cdih wannabees who like thew wolf mentality but not much to back it up
WankFellow: and their membership numbers are a complete farce
oauncensored: who do you see as being the wackbag alternative?
WankFellow: its an open field. it may remain in no clear #2 or #3 in the long run
WankFellow: people won't be satisfied by the draconian style that wackbag is run..but then again, visit to be mentione dor part of show
WankFellow: so lots of people will be multi-siting
oauncensored: do you know anything about stingray "donating" money to the show to get in studio for the 55 gallon drum challenge?
WankFellow: poor .net is going to miss you when your gal comes home
oauncensored: shush
WankFellow: nope..doesn't surprise me
fbdlingfrg: i already asked that...not that my stuff is read
oauncensored: do you know anything about stingray or his friends threatening sean cold?
WankFellow: yes
oauncensored: really?
oauncensored: tell us a little about that
WankFellow: after i was threatened, sean got pissed, quit as mod, and flushed out his entire section on wackbag
WankFellow: sometime after..not sure if it was after sean was made mod, or before, note was put on his door
WankFellow: he WAS NOT happy
The Clear sTuFF: well blogger is gonna hear about this...
oauncensored: when sean was made a mod on OA.com ?
WankFellow: after all that went down..stingray was very lowkey for a long time
WankFellow: few weeks later. froy wanted someone with balls.
oauncensored: what did the note say?
WankFellow: upuauat and IP weren't happy
WankFellow: that i don't recall
oauncensored: but it was threatening?
WankFellow: yup
oauncensored: did upuauat and IP leave soon after sean was modded?
WankFellow: no..after gonzo was
WankFellow: i think
oauncensored: why did they hate gonzo so much?
WankFellow: it was more when they got off infopop site
WankFellow: and made new one
WankFellow: upuauat and ip were already bitter and aloof
WankFellow: b/c they felt a powershift
WankFellow: i guess they really thought they were in control
oauncensored: would you say froy was pretty hands off?
WankFellow: there were rumors that faceman was upu's personal pick, etc
WankFellow: actually, he was...almost too much so at first..and then too much on at the last
oauncensored: what was his role later on?
WankFellow: faceman rumors were false, btw
WankFellow: didn't give two shits as long as he got to sit near anthony and melinda
WankFellow: at events
oauncensored: so he was mostly interested in the site as an "IN" for the show?
WankFellow: not at first
WankFellow: but at end...it was more about him and his heroes
oauncensored: what was OTL?
WankFellow: that was the product of an idea long before the demise
WankFellow: where we all thought we should come up with something
WankFellow: and made a thread about it
oauncensored: in BTS?
WankFellow: froy too reigns. justjon wanted to take credit and did nothing..so he was first fired
WankFellow: no..in Off topic
WankFellow: public thread
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: people from that thread stepped up and planned something
oauncensored: what happened to OTL?
oauncensored: take us through the history and its demise
WankFellow: and then it became something else...and then there was such antifroy sentiment it had no play
WankFellow: otl started with gonzo, magus, fn moron, and a bunch of others providing material
WankFellow: fm jeff was paid to code it
WankFellow: i did art and look and feel right before my surgery
WankFellow: then people didn't get along
The Clear sTuFF: this surgery....a sex change, no?
WankFellow: my cock was reduced
oauncensored: man in the box, get back in the box
WankFellow: from my own ass
The Clear sTuFF: well played.
oauncensored: touche
oauncensored: its been the subject of hacking, has it?
oauncensored: OTL that is
WankFellow: yes..last i saw...it was hacked to pieces and left for dead
WankFellow: the only reason it got play for a while was articles written by some friends and myself
oauncensored: tell us about YMB
WankFellow: we got fark pickups, etc
oauncensored: what is YMB?
WankFellow: then nada
WankFellow: ymb was fTL stealing the code
WankFellow: and the mailing list
oauncensored: what code?
WankFellow: making two sites..one the old one put up, and the other, the new, with alkey behind that..and he used OA.coms mailing list to plug it
WankFellow: Froy wanted to sue them
oauncensored: wow
WankFellow: FTL stole the code before he left
WankFellow: he was talked out of it
WankFellow: b/c ymb was a breath of fresh air
WankFellow: and got some play
oauncensored: did FTL build the old .com ?
WankFellow: no..he had the code "keys" as it were late in the game..and took it with him
WankFellow: he has nothing to do with the builds
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: back in the day
oauncensored: why did he have a falling out with froy?
WankFellow: ftl had a thing for being the bad guy and soaked up the sentiment...saying good things to froy, and stabbed him in back
oauncensored: he wanted to share in the taking down of .com ?
oauncensored: the spotlight of it ?
WankFellow: once he joined cdih, the demise of OA was his chance to say shit and grab code and shake things up
WankFellow: exactly
WankFellow: he was on the coattails
oauncensored: he kind of disappeared now
oauncensored: didnt he?
WankFellow: Amber Alerty
WankFellow: Alert
oauncensored: ???
WankFellow: damn..ruined my own joke
WankFellow: FTL likes kids...get it
oauncensored: no
WankFellow: noelle was 16 when he dated her
oauncensored: thats not in my notes
oauncensored: oh i see
WankFellow: he's the Michael Jackson of messageboards
oauncensored: eww
oauncensored: anyway
oauncensored: moving on
oauncensored: what happened between you and YMB
oauncensored: did you have some sort of falling out?
WankFellow: YMB..he pissed alkey off right off the bat by modding haut baux and amy
oauncensored: oh lets go with that
oauncensored: and get to your falling out later
WankFellow: he modded them without asking
WankFellow: and did lots of stuff
WankFellow: i read BTS in YMB
oauncensored: so alkey and FTL had a sort of contemptuous relationship
WankFellow: he wanted to ban rooner, me, sleeper
WankFellow: ftl had it all go to his head
oauncensored: how did you read BTS?
WankFellow: huge control issues
oauncensored: i see
WankFellow: alkey once admined me, and mods who were here let me read...alkey knew
WankFellow: he mentioned it.
WankFellow: one of the biggest things he ever did...FTL that is
WankFellow: is hole me...and take my PM i sent to Alkey...and posted it in BTS
oauncensored: what did your PM say?
WankFellow: and then he holed crack
WankFellow: i told alkey ftl had huge control issues and holed people who didn't belong, and when i took him to task, he holed me
oauncensored: so admins could actually read PMs there?
WankFellow: eventually, ftl was removed
WankFellow: they still can
oauncensored: interesting
WankFellow: it was there...then removed, and then put back by ftl and kept there ever since
oauncensored: what led to your falling out with YMB?
WankFellow: this the PM joke: reading gippy's PMs
WankFellow: none, actually. i was asked to make a site, i did. i posted on it, ymb and cdih. but some people started to go elsewhere more
oauncensored: alkey seemed pissed over it
WankFellow: though with some people being allowed carte blanche to say what they want..it made YMB uncomfortable..and the mods never wanted to go to alkey and band together to suggest changes. and alkey just wanted it to be not so dramatic
WankFellow: so between both those mentalities...things fermented
oauncensored: you thought YMB was too uncensored?
WankFellow: i said on ymb what i thought. that seemed to get people huffy. i just felt i should share it
WankFellow: no, thats not it
WankFellow: it was complaining about chat threads and things header and topper did on one side..and then giving cdih pals free reign to push envelope on other. it was inconsistent
oauncensored: do you talk to alkey now?
WankFellow: so made people feel that his friends got favors...and that sentiment, plus ymb jumped shark..fermented
WankFellow: off and on. we talked during and after so-called "blowout"
oauncensored: has it been squashed?
WankFellow: i beleive so.
WankFellow: i have no illwill towards alkey. i think he's a great guy and i appreciated ymb being there, and his effort
oauncensored: thats all i have, any questions from the peanut gallery before i start the Bernard Pivot questionairre?
WankFellow: they are all napping
fbdlingfrg: can we talk again?
oauncensored: shoot
WankFellow: they fell asleep at Alliyah
thekmanredux: riveting
thekmanredux: simply riveting
oauncensored: your question, mr kman?
WankFellow: the kman apt story will be quite a treat
thekmanredux: i have no questions
oauncensored: i intend to interview sleeper and galt
oauncensored: ok
WankFellow: good deal
oauncensored: on with the questionairre
oauncensored: what turns you on?
WankFellow: no questions..and such juicy tidbits never approached
oauncensored: wait
WankFellow: creativity and ideas
oauncensored: anything you think we may have missed?
WankFellow: nope. not a thing
The Clear sTuFF: how many keyboards do you go through a year?
WankFellow: one
The Clear sTuFF: and your thoughts on cage's photoshop skills?
WankFellow: quantity < quality
oauncensored: ah good question
oauncensored: i almost forgot that one
WankFellow: he's good but too eager and sloppy
The Clear sTuFF: so...he sucks
WankFellow: he's like Fez
The Clear sTuFF: the gay guy?
fbdlingfrg: who was better: you or afrika?
WankFellow: no, the poster, you yit
The Clear sTuFF: are you saying fez the poster was not gay?
WankFellow: we are both losers. next question

oauncensored: do you think afrika tries to hard to fit in?
thekmanredux: how many board females have rejected you
WankFellow: not as many as you might think
thekmanredux: i dont think anything
thekmanredux: im asking a question
fbdlingfrg: so under 100...
WankFellow: exactly
The Clear sTuFF: whats with toronto hottie
The Clear sTuFF: what is the hottie referring to?
thekmanredux: yea whats the deal with that
WankFellow: be more specific.
WankFellow: nothing there
The Clear sTuFF: no im asking you, why do you think she has Hottie in her username
WankFellow: just a friend. i'm friendly with her brother, roo
The Clear sTuFF: ok so why does she think shes hot, is what im asking.
The Clear sTuFF: THE PROOF
oauncensored: serious questions only please
fbdlingfrg: her brother is kanga's kid?
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF: so...ive seen the pudding
The Clear sTuFF: and im thinking...not such good looking pudding.
The Clear sTuFF: does she go in the misleading username hall of fame
The Clear sTuFF: with wnewsGIRL and grkqt?
thekmanredux: haahhahaha
WankFellow: that pic is from lots of alcohol, a missed flight and 8 hours at an airport, and her getting to NY at midnight
The Clear sTuFF: that is the same excuse avril used
WankFellow: just a fyi. but to each their own opinion
WankFellow: i was there for it. i wasn't there with avril
fbdlingfrg: does anybody make comments stupider than me?
The Clear sTuFF: yeah, to each their own, i like hot girls that are really hot, and you like hot girls that blame unattractiveness on air travel.
WankFellow: ha ha..there ya go
The Clear sTuFF: :-D
oauncensored: any other questions before i begin the Bernard Pivot questionairre?
The Clear sTuFF: *wink wink nudge nudge*
The Clear sTuFF: lololol
thekmanredux: just make witht he questionaire
oauncensored: what turns you off?
The Clear sTuFF: no
The Clear sTuFF: denise
The Clear sTuFF: ask questions
WankFellow: narrowmindedness
thekmanredux: whats to ask
The Clear sTuFF: i dont know figure something out
thekmanredux: i dont care that much
thekmanredux: its gooch for god sakes

oauncensored: what is your favorite word?
WankFellow: cock
WankFellow: i don't watch it
thekmanredux: not funny at all
oauncensored: what is your least favorite word?
The Clear sTuFF: i agree, not funny
The Clear sTuFF: i have to take a shit
WankFellow: politically correct
thekmanredux: thats 2 words
WankFellow: tough
thekmanredux: cheater
oauncensored: 1 word please
WankFellow: das golden age gets what he wants
WankFellow: PC
thekmanredux: thats an acronym
oauncensored: yeah
oauncensored: try again
WankFellow: gentile
SBlueman Radio: did anyone discuss froy's nude pic?
fbdlingfrg: fucking hating jews...
oauncensored: no
WankFellow: ha ha
thekmanredux: too late sblueman
WankFellow: i think thats online still
SBlueman Radio: shit...
fbdlingfrg: can we go back and have that discussed?
SBlueman Radio: like usual...the SU section is a day late and a dollar short
WankFellow: Slash loved his lyrics to the "i'm on fire" idea
fbdlingfrg: fuck the questionare
WankFellow: barch made a page
WankFellow: somewhere
thekmanredux: i have a fun insight about that
WankFellow: prob on dummyschool
thekmanredux: when im interviweed
WankFellow: so do i...psychobitch had crush on froy
SBlueman Radio: so who did froy send it to?
WankFellow: and got reproached
WankFellow: and got revenge
WankFellow: to psychobitch
SBlueman Radio: and then she posted it all over?
WankFellow: his "pal" norton was known for sending cock pics to women.
WankFellow: so froy, when given the chance
SBlueman Radio: so he sent her a pic of his clit?
WankFellow: did the same...and GOT BURNED
WankFellow: he never uttered a word about it
WankFellow: but i was friendly with her then
SBlueman Radio: was there any members of oa.com who suffered any consequences after the picture was released?
WankFellow: ha ha..no
thekmanredux: im surprised no one had hte balls to post the pic there
WankFellow: by then, most were on cdih
SBlueman Radio: it was posted on cdih?
thekmanredux: yea
WankFellow: yes, at one time it was
fbdlingfrg: a few times, i think
SBlueman Radio: too funny
thekmanredux: arpi made it into alkeys sig pic
WankFellow: i had never seen it until a good year later
SBlueman Radio: now it's gone
oauncensored: i never saw
WankFellow: when slash gave it to me as a link without saying what it was
WankFellow: fuckin douchebag..i could have lived without seeing it
thekmanredux: no, no you couldnt have
fbdlingfrg: i wish i never saw it
SBlueman Radio: my life will not be complete until I see it myself
WankFellow: jeez
WankFellow: glutton for punishment
fbdlingfrg: interesting...
thekmanredux: and as a postscript, username : Froys4incher was BANNEd from wackbag
oauncensored: gooch
oauncensored: what sound or noise do you love?
WankFellow: lets see tidbits you missed: sean deleted himself after oa.com demise
WankFellow: laughter
oauncensored: oh go on with the tidbits
The Clear sTuFF: ahahhaha
oauncensored: please
oauncensored: we got that from sting before
oauncensored: and gonzo
WankFellow: and he railed on afrika about deleting himself..but sean did it after oa.com demise
The Clear sTuFF: i never swa that picture
WankFellow: slash got himself deleted, per his request...from ymb and cdih
WankFellow: froy fucked teenslut
WankFellow: lets see, what else...
The Clear sTuFF: who fucked TeenSlut
The Clear sTuFF: besides not me.
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF: and not someone who goes to college with her
WankFellow: not i
thekmanredux: not me
thekmanredux: obviously
The Clear sTuFF: yeah
The Clear sTuFF: OBVS
thekmanredux: DUH
fbdlingfrg: me?
The Clear sTuFF: nope, i said, and not the one who goes to college with her
fbdlingfrg: misread
WankFellow: drunkboy did when she was underage
thekmanredux: no....
The Clear sTuFF: yeah whats wrong with that
The Clear sTuFF: she was like 25, sexually.
The Clear sTuFF: ok, who fucked Shelle.
thekmanredux: who has gonzo fucked
WankFellow: not i, there either. she wanted to come to queens. i said no
thekmanredux: ahahhahahaha
The Clear sTuFF: pre or post surgery?
WankFellow: and i was just getting less fat then
WankFellow: post
thekmanredux: wow
The Clear sTuFF: WOW
WankFellow: yeah..didn't want any part of that
The Clear sTuFF: sleeper, you missed your chance with shelle
thekmanredux: I KNOW
The Clear sTuFF: gooch, did you ever sex AngelAndrew
The Clear sTuFF: *Amy
The Clear sTuFF: sorry
WankFellow: amy??? never
thekmanredux: she fucked slackjaw
WankFellow: no way
The Clear sTuFF: YECH
The Clear sTuFF: she must have a chyna clit
WankFellow: shelle or amy?
thekmanredux: amy
WankFellow: jesus
The Clear sTuFF: remember when O and A mocked her like no other
thekmanredux: yes
The Clear sTuFF: and then her immigrant boyfriend called in
fbdlingfrg: that was fun
thekmanredux: god he was the worst
thekmanredux: gooch, do you know who gonzo has fucked
WankFellow: the whole boredplanet thing blew up because amy read that someone called her fat on BP
WankFellow: i do on some...but i won't say aything about it
The Clear sTuFF: someone besides her mirror?
thekmanredux: ok
The Clear sTuFF: what about the rumors that Hybrid, was fucking Katylina.
thekmanredux: ahahaha
fbdlingfrg: uuuuugh
WankFellow: isn't she fucking pantera now
WankFellow: i think she's been around and then some
thekmanredux: even froy dumped her
fbdlingfrg: now that is sad
The Clear sTuFF: no, i think she is fucking the boy who worked in the pharmacy in home alone, whom she met through buzz.
The Clear sTuFF: *crash*
thekmanredux: haha
thekmanredux: where is james lipton
WankFellow: his gal is on the phone
WankFellow: "i miss you honey"
The Clear sTuFF: gooch how come you are relatively funny in here
The Clear sTuFF: but on the board, never.
WankFellow: i don't know. i'm funny in person to
thekmanredux: or how come you are only funny under other names
WankFellow: b/c of expectation, and i'm more into it
thekmanredux: so you were in fact grumpy gillis
The Clear sTuFF: god, imagine if you were fucking someone whose username on the internet was the name of a band that hasnt been popular in at least 10 years.
WankFellow: i have a lot less time to fuck around on board..though lately i do b/c i need the distraction
WankFellow: yup..grumpy was me
thekmanredux: see he was pretty funny
WankFellow: i'm the peter sellers of cdih
WankFellow: being me sucks
WankFellow: being someone else..thats fun
thekmanredux: yea but you actualyl attempt to be funny as you, and it just doesnt work
oauncensored: i actually was just on the phone with er
oauncensored: her
WankFellow: ha ha
The Clear sTuFF has left the room.
WankFellow: maybe it's lack of inspiration
The Clear sTuFF has entered the room.
WankFellow: your gal just called wbk
WankFellow: oh, wait..she hung up
oauncensored: i hope not
The Clear sTuFF: who
The Clear sTuFF: torontohottie?
oauncensored: hes quite the ladies man
The Clear sTuFF: yeah i am
oauncensored: gooch
oauncensored: what is you least favorite sound?
WankFellow: shit hitting the water
WankFellow: unless its mine
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
WankFellow: actor
oauncensored: what profession other than yours would you NOT want to attempt?
WankFellow: CPA
oauncensored: what is your favorite curse word?
WankFellow: cockface
oauncensored: if heaven exists, what would you like to hear G-d say to you as you enter the Pearly Gates?
The Clear sTuFF: "thanks for canada"
WankFellow: nothing b/c there is no god
oauncensored: assuming there is
thekmanredux: man you have to go alomng with the question
oauncensored: you have to assume there is
WankFellow: gooch..you were worst poster ever, but i still love ya
thekmanredux: ahah
fbdlingfrg: ha...god thinks you're worse than me
WankFellow: no..you went to hell
thekmanredux: god doesnt notice you
WankFellow: you don't count
fbdlingfrg: that makes more sense
thekmanredux: when is my interview
SBlueman Radio: a gift: click here
fbdlingfrg: when gooch finally finishes
WankFellow: ha ha
thekmanredux: gooch's is over
oauncensored: gooch, we have had our differences in the past and in the recent past but you have my respect, thanks for your time
WankFellow: well, that actually means something to me. your welcome
Edited By Keyser Soze on 1103877925