The girl sitting next to be at the bar last night puked all over herself and when they took her out of the bar, she left her purse right next to me. I didn't notice until a few minutes later.
It was a real nice purse. I was drunk and curious what was inside and how much money she had.
I grabbed the purse, zipped it closed, clipped it closed and walked it over to the manager of the place telling him who had left it.
I'm nice.
classy places you hang out.
well that's why they kicked her out. She couldn't pace herself after sitting down with her friends at her private table as they just kept ordering bottles of Johnny Walker Black
It was Green Room. Place sucks. Don't ever bother.
Should have went to The Black Sheep
The place on 3rd? Doesn't it hold like 30 people? It's tiny if it's what I'm thinking of
it is...but it has a big Boston crowd.
Earl's across the street and down one block is a good bar, and restaurant too.
i actually didn't see any puking last night, we had one girl somehow managed to cut her chin open. but i think that was about it.
news year eve is for amateurs. you go to a bar on new years eve, you are an amateur. end of story.
same applies for st.patricks day.
Arpikarhu Wrote:news year eve is for amateurs. you go to a bar on new years eve, you are an amateur. end of story.
same applies for st.patricks day.
why is that? i'm actually quite interested in this theory of yours. Why is going out on new years eve for amatuers? I'm not disagreeing with either.
cause every bar is populated with immature losers whose sole purpose is to get drunk. they dont know how to drink properly, so they end up loaded after one hour and then continue to drink anyway. they then throw up/pick a fight/ act like the entire bar is there to amuse them. amateurs.
you are still angry that nobody bought you a beer at the Rodeo, aren't you??
easily in my top ten of most boring nights out ever.
new years is amateur night. thats also an old tired description of new years eve.
I actually agree with arpi, I didnt think anyone else really felt that way though.
the truth never gets tired.
So then you two both just sit at home on New Years? Do you not like going to bars on that night, or do you not like going out at all? No fucking way I'd go to Times Square. The noisemakers alone would make me want to kill myself.
If other people are drinking until they puke it doesn't bother me. I go out with a group of people who can handle their liquor and so the fighting/yelling/puking doesn't really affect us. We watch and laugh. It's a fun night. Plus it's a guarantee that you're going to hook up that night so that's a bonus.
so a fun evening for you is mocking others and imposing yourself on women who are impaired?
cant say that i am surprised
mocking others. Yes.
I didn't say anything about them being impaired. Desperate maybe, but not necessarily impaired.
i like spending new years with the people i really appreciate. house parties are the best new years eve parties. i actually loathe going to a bar on new years.