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why me
Arpikarhu Wrote:idiot
STFU arpi... or I will post the last pathetic aim conversation you and I had for all to see here.
it would be a product of your imagination. if i had really had an aim convo with you, for you to have saved it for so long would demonstrate your secret burning love and obsession with me.
My burning love obsession or your drunken cocaine induced "WHOA NOBODY LOVES ME" whine session?

You decide. Here it is in it's entirety uncut and unedited:

date: June 12, 2003

arpikarhu: hey
Auto response from LunaBabeOA: I had to take the dogs out......
LunaBabeOA: yes?

arpikarhu: why do you hate me?

LunaBabeOA: I don't hate you

LunaBabeOA: who said I did?

arpikarhu: why do you dislike me?

LunaBabeOA: I DON'T dislike you
LunaBabeOA: why?
LunaBabeOA: what's the problem?

arpikarhu: why didnt you invite me to your board?

LunaBabeOA: who said I had a board?

arpikarhu: c'mon

LunaBabeOA: who spilled the beans?

arpikarhu: thanks alot

LunaBabeOA: why would you wanna come to my board?

arpikarhu: i dont want to be where i am not wanted. i was just curious as to why you felt you had to keep it a secret from me

LunaBabeOA: I thought you didn't like me

arpikarhu: i never said or felt that way

LunaBabeOA: aren't you amongst the ones that don't like me at CDIH?

arpikarhu: nope
arpikarhu: i thought we were buds. guess i was wrong

LunaBabeOA: no, I do like you, you bafoon

arpikarhu: then why was it such a big secret

LunaBabeOA: it's not
LunaBabeOA: not anymore anyway
LunaBabeOA: aren't you a big mod now?
LunaBabeOA: I've had my board since January

arpikarhu: hey, thats all. i just wanted to know why i wasnt invited and why it was a big secret. you dont want to tell me . ok

LunaBabeOA: and you are posting all this on cdih right now, right?

LunaBabeOA: boy, you haven't even noticed I've been gone and now you have the nerve to ask me why I never invited you to my board??????????

arpikarhu: i dont know what i did to you that you would say that or why you dont like me enough to not want me on your board. i asked and you dont want to tell me. ok, thats cool.
arpikarhu: and i did notice ou were gone, i just figured you gave up on the board
arpikarhu: like i said, i thought we were pals. i guess i was wrong

LunaBabeOA: well...did you try to contact me besides this time to guilt me into why I didn't invite you to my board????
LunaBabeOA: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
LunaBabeOA: what do you have to offer my board anyway?

arpikarhu: i am not trying to guilt you into anything. that is your head speaking.i just was curious as to why you told everyone to keep it a secret from me

LunaBabeOA: I didn't
LunaBabeOA: I didn't say keep it a secret from anybody

arpikarhu: ok. why you didnt invite me. listen , if you dont want to tell me , just say so. dont play semantics. its boring

LunaBabeOA: ::rollseyes::
LunaBabeOA: what do you have to offer my board?
LunaBabeOA: the ability to run back to CDIH and ridicule me and everybody there?

arpikarhu: i am not trying to guilt you, accuse you , nor gain admittance. i am just curious because i thought we were buds. thats all

LunaBabeOA: BUDS?????
LunaBabeOA: this is the first I've heard from you since the Door's board invasion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arpikarhu: obviously you are never going to answer the question. thats cool. later

LunaBabeOA: later

arpikarhu: i dont know why you wont answer it. you have obviously made up this incredible drama involving me that never occured


arpikarhu: why did you not invite me to your board. why didnt you want me on your board?

LunaBabeOA: didn't think you'd be interested
LunaBabeOA: plus, I don't need any moderators

arpikarhu: that is a lame answer and i dont think its the truth

LunaBabeOA: it's the truth

arpikarhu: it never occured to ask me?

LunaBabeOA: why?

arpikarhu: i asked to be a mod on your board?
arpikarhu: you obviously feel you have something to hide because you are being so evasive

LunaBabeOA: so Gonzo and Keyser and Hybrid could all come over and ridicule and do thier best to get banned????

arpikarhu: what do i have to do with what they do?

LunaBabeOA: isn't that what Hybrid did on the Door's board? went over exclusively to get banned?

arpikarhu: i dont know what hybrid did

LunaBabeOA: plus, some people on my board you have gone out of your way to be rude to

arpikarhu: so it wasnt that you didnt think i would want to be there, its that you didnt want me there

arpikarhu: thats what i thought. ok. thanks

LunaBabeOA: you're welcome

arpikarhu: your sarcasm is duly noted.

LunaBabeOA: stop being a drama queen

arpikarhu: how am i being a dram aqueen. i just asked a question, you have danced around it and gotten angry about it

LunaBabeOA: I haven't danced around shit
LunaBabeOA: what did you do on Jack's board?

arpikarhu: then why didnt you invite me to your board?

LunaBabeOA: why aren't you there anymore?
LunaBabeOA: why did you post PMs on CDIH from there?

arpikarhu: i didnt. they were pms from that board
arpikarhu: you still wont answer the question
arpikarhu: why are you getting so angry about it?

LunaBabeOA: no, you posted a private message you recieved on Jack's board on CDIH
LunaBabeOA: don't dance around it

arpikarhu: i did do that because what he did was nonsense.

LunaBabeOA: nonsense???
LunaBabeOA: how so?

arpikarhu: thats why i did it. that was long after you started your board and decided not to ask me to join. so it has nothing to do with the question at all. why didnt you want me on your board?

LunaBabeOA: he asked you not to pester Maynard and that that board wasn't like CDIH???? and that was nonsence?
LunaBabeOA: why are you being so manipulative?

arpikarhu: what are you talking about? it happened months after you started your board so what does it have to do with the question? why did you not want me on your board?

LunaBabeOA: I happen to help moderate Jack's board, you know?

arpikarhu: tthat was months after you started your board so doesnt affect the original question that you seem unable to answer. why did you not want me on your board?

LunaBabeOA: I told you, I don't need any mods
LunaBabeOA: and it's not just my decision
LunaBabeOA: want me to take a poll?

arpikarhu: i didnt ask to be a mod so i dont understand the point of that. as to taking a poll, no. i dont want to join, i just want to know why you didnt want me on your board.
arpikarhu: why cant you answer that?

LunaBabeOA: if you don't want to be there why are you bothering to pester me about it?

arpikarhu: i am curious

LunaBabeOA: you probably wouldn't like it there
LunaBabeOA: did you know Ken isn't even there?

arpikarhu: why wont you answer the question?

LunaBabeOA: no matter what I say you won't believe me
LunaBabeOA: what do you want to tell you?

arpikarhu: just tell me the truth.

LunaBabeOA: what you want to hear?

arpikarhu: the truth as too why you didnt want me on your board. sheesh!

LunaBabeOA: you're not listening then and I can't go back and forth

arpikarhu: that makes no sense

LunaBabeOA: jeepers creepers, dude

arpikarhu: i used to talk to you alot before you left

LunaBabeOA: did you talk to me after?
LunaBabeOA: nooooooooooooooo
LunaBabeOA: why? why haven't you talked to me...I want the truth

arpikarhu: cause you just disappeared. i didnt go anywhere. i figured you didnt want to deal with us. you left, not me

LunaBabeOA: I've been on aim
LunaBabeOA: I haven't really gone anywhere

arpikarhu: you left , not me. it was on you to let me know you wanted to maintain contact. you still havent answered the question by the way

LunaBabeOA: ::glares at you::

arpikarhu: i guess you are unable to answer the question. you keep attacking me and using examples from months after the point to try and evade it. i dont know why but it is obvious that you cant or wont answer the question

LunaBabeOA: I did answer your question

arpikarhu: cdih is my home was not the answer. give me a break

LunaBabeOA: you should buy some clues

arpikarhu: you should have the courage to stand by your decisions and be willing to tell me

LunaBabeOA: ::rollseyes::

LunaBabeOA: I just told you numerous times
LunaBabeOA: what is it you want to hear?

arpikarhu: then answer the question instead of being such a coward about it

LunaBabeOA: "I don't like you"?
LunaBabeOA: "You are board kriptonite"?
LunaBabeOA: "you smell"?
LunaBabeOA: "yo momma wears combat boots"?

arpikarhu: thnak you. that sall i wanted to know. i cant believe that you are so cowardly that it took you so long to say that

LunaBabeOA: "you have cats and dogs are cooler"?
LunaBabeOA: o. m. g.
LunaBabeOA: ok.......
LunaBabeOA: whatever

arpikarhu: and that you are still so cowardly that you have to make a joke about it.

LunaBabeOA: have fun with that

arpikarhu: will you ever answer the question or am i wasting my time?

LunaBabeOA: ok, here it is....
LunaBabeOA: here it comes, Arpi
LunaBabeOA: ::falls on the floor::

arpikarhu: will you ever answer the question or am i wasting my time?

LunaBabeOA: you figure it out
LunaBabeOA: I'm tired of trying already

arpikarhu: why are you so scared?

LunaBabeOA: scared?
LunaBabeOA: me?
LunaBabeOA: I'm not scared

arpikarhu: then why wont you answer the question

LunaBabeOA: I have nothing to be scared of
LunaBabeOA:'re gonna post my pictures somewhere?
LunaBabeOA: be my guest

arpikarhu: what r u talking about? man, you are on some really freaky head trip. i just want an answer to the question

LunaBabeOA: I answered you, you numbskull

arpikarhu: no you havent

LunaBabeOA: it's just not what you wanted to hear, so you refuse to believe it

arpikarhu: i havent heard an answer yet
arpikarhu: you refuse to give an answer
arpikarhu: cdih is my home is not an answer
arpikarhu: it makes no sense
arpikarhu: it is evasive

LunaBabeOA: that wasn't the only answer I gave you'

arpikarhu: i will ask once more , knowing that you will not answer the question. why did you not want me on your board?

LunaBabeOA: because I do not need any mods. at this time
LunaBabeOA: and I do not need my members insulted

arpikarhu: that makes no sense. why would i have to be a mod.?

LunaBabeOA: I do not need any mods. at this time

arpikarhu: ahhh. thats it.
arpikarhu: insulted members

LunaBabeOA: I do not want my members insulted and forced to go elsewhere

arpikarhu: tyhe mod thing only makes sense in your head but the other thing makes sense
arpikarhu: thats all. over 30 minutes for you to be brave enough to say that.

LunaBabeOA: I said that ages ago

Auto response from arpikarhu: i am performing my required duties as an onanist
wait, is that supposed to make arpi look bad, or you?
this is a real IM convo. i was attempting to get her to reveal her boards location so that i could invade and conquer. she not only did not divulge its location but also never directly answered a single question.
HedCold Wrote:wait, is that supposed to make arpi look bad, or you?
i dont think it makes me look bad at all, other than my attempt failed.
Arpikarhu Wrote:this is a real IM convo. i was attempting to get her to reveal her boards location so that i could invade and conquer. she not only did not divulge its location but also never directly answered a single question.
See? I KNEW IT!!!!!11
i cant believe she saved that like it was some sort of atom bomb she could drop on me. she is truly a dunce.
Luna v2.0 Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:this is a real IM convo. i was attempting to get her to reveal her boards location so that i could invade and conquer. she not only did not divulge its location but also never directly answered a single question.
See? I KNEW IT!!!!!11
you knew nothing. much like your present state.
Arpikarhu Wrote:i cant believe she saved that like it was some sort of atom bomb she could drop on me. she is truly a dunce.
No, I'm obsessed with you, arpi.... just about as obsessed as you are with me.
The Dramatics
lead singer: Keyser
Banjo: Dig
Bass Guitar: Laz or Kid
... little help
Black Lazerus Wrote:The Dramatics
lead singer: Keyser
Banjo: Dig
Bass Guitar: Laz or Kid
... little help
Back up singers: Luna and Arpi
Luna v2.0 Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i cant believe she saved that like it was some sort of atom bomb she could drop on me. she is truly a dunce.
No, I'm obsessed with you, arpi.... just about as obsessed as you are with me.
i am not obsessed, just constantly amazed and disgusted at your ever present idiocy.
you saved the IM, you are obsessed with me, as you just admitted.
oh we go again.
my IM bomb drop was much better
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Luna v2.0 Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i cant believe she saved that like it was some sort of atom bomb she could drop on me. she is truly a dunce.
No, I'm obsessed with you, arpi.... just about as obsessed as you are with me.
blah blah blah [Image: post-13-01444-tt_tackle_shamebadge01.gif] blah blah blah
[Image: lala.gif]
for the record, I never said or implied you arent welcome here - it was you with your own words who said you'd never come here again because of the gang-ups, etc. I simply didn't understand how, 2 days ago, you called this place a shithole and said you had no cause nor care to come here, but then not only do you come here, you go and make another name (which, I know, your other name is celled - a simple IM to any of the mods or admins could have fixed that - but whatever).

you just have a pattern of coming here, making a few posts that start off innocent and then everything turns ugly, then you leave and make bash posts against this board on other boards - yours or whoever elses. If you truly find it so unpleasureable here, I dont see why you would need to keep coming back.

You just seem to ask for what you get, rather than just avoid it.
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