Full Version: The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #5 Thread Of The Year
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Logic ladders and resources, oh my!
Black Lazerus Wrote:digs thread berating his family members via email about granny should have been on this list.
It's funny you say that because I saw this hot little spic with tight jeans and long black hair today who reminded me of the cancer granny/vommit cup holder girl from the emergency room. That was the first thing I thought when I saw her.
that thread was AWESOME!

1. Had me proving a point to Gooch in a sly manner that I'm sure he only picked up on
2. Outing Seph accidentally (but therebye running him off the board)
3. Seph/Gonzo history and AIM chats
4. Laz, Arpi, and Rooner trying to fight and bait me, while I remain stoic and unflappable
5. Gonzo/Keyser having a small fight, where Gonzo actually has some harsh things to say to Keyser.
Galt Wrote:that thread was AWESOME!

1. Had me proving a point to Gooch in a sly manner that I'm sure he only picked up on
2. Outing Seph accidentally (but therebye running him off the board)
3. Seph/Gonzo history and AIM chats
4. Laz, Arpi, and Rooner trying to fight and bait me, while I remain stoic and unflappable
5. Gonzo/Keyser having a small fight, where Gonzo actually has some harsh things to say to Keyser.
that was thread of the year....

1. i did.
I declare this vote a farce
ten choices is too many when we have about 15 people who will vote.

Get rid of all but a handful, incluce the Grumpy Gills thread and have a revote!
i had two favorites. but sleepers thread was more of a favorite.
Galt Wrote:4. Laz, Arpi, and Rooner trying to fight and bait me, while I remain stoic and unflappable
I would never do such a thing, youre so above me.
Grumpy Gillis really is an amazing thread, and i completely forgot about gonzo and I getting into what we later discussing in our interview about VG.
I actually had that thread in my original line up of threads I nominated but for whatever reason I left it out.
Im surprised my ego allowed me to vote for anything other than the YMB/BP debacle. Im proud of myself.
Keyser Soze Wrote:Grumpy Gillis really is an amazing thread, and i completely forgot about gonzo and I getting into what we later discussing in our interview about VG.
it has it all, in that thread. i feel that...though i voted for CDIH the movie...that this thread is better
i write in a vote for Grumpy Gillis thread
i vote for the grumpy gillis one as well. I made galt pull a stingray in that thread.

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1105113469
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