Full Version: How soon you all forget.
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Pages: 1 2
Happy Birthday Lent!!!
Ti vanoochiya sooka.
I hope Miss Bear got him something special.
one of her ribs
GonzoStyle Wrote:Ti vanoochiya sooka.
I bet "sooka" means nigger.
you wanna write me the I.O.U now or later?
Funny how the past becomes relevant in the present...
IrishAlkey Wrote:Funny how the past becomes relevant in the present...
That's what keeps me posting.
Time's ticking...
I'm relevant!!!
Only your check to the server...
I obviously haven't forgotten!
IrishAlkey Wrote:Only your check to the server...
yeah welcome to the new millenium loserface, no one writes checks anymore.
poor people can't get credit cards.
alkey has insurance!!!
only because sil doesn't want her babies daddy dying.
I could buy and sell you for profit with my credit, shadow.
not if you keep losing to me.
Pages: 1 2