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if your wife ever found out she would be devestated. thats the simple reason why its wrong.
She'll never find out.
Are you threatening us?
i'm sure your wife wouldn't think your relationship was healthy if she knew what you were doing.
I refuse to believe that Galt really believes what he is saying and especially that Keyser has the ability to regret anything.
i'm dead serious
It's like watching the Grinch rocking a baby to sleep in his arms and Santa punching a newborn in the soft spot.
Rooner Wrote:She'll never find out.
She will.

You'll be as devastated as she will be (provided that she really loves you), and who knows, maybe she'll fuck your best friend(s), take pictures and show them to you.

That'll make you feel good, won't it?
Ive thoroughly thought this through. There is no way to make me feel guilt about it. There is no way to make me think what Im doing is wrong. Im very rational about it.
its called denial
Rooner Wrote:Ive thoroughly thought this through. There is no way to make me feel guilt about it. There is no way to make me think what Im doing is wrong. Im very rational about it.
Well, then, I hope you don't sleep with Glenn Close.
She's gonna' fuck Topper and Header?
[Image: PBF011ADHammerScrewed.jpg]
No, the way I look at it is, people like Gonzo and I are just more socially evolved than most. You all want to live in your archaic ways, thats fine, but your Puritan rules and customs do not apply to me and the way I live my life.
Keyser Soze Wrote:its called denial
it's called keeping a healthy relationship.
you are completely ignoring the person being hurt in this situation.
Out of sight, out of mind, if she knows nothing of it, how is she being hurt?
Its purely physical. I could see if I love these women, or they loved me, then sure, that would be fucked up, Im dealing with emotions there. But this is purely a physical need Im fulfilling. Its like telling my wife Im on a diet and sneaking a twinkie. She doesnt know, and its not hurting her.
Buttmunch Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:Ive thoroughly thought this through. There is no way to make me feel guilt about it. There is no way to make me think what Im doing is wrong. Im very rational about it.
Well, then, I hope you don't sleep with Glenn Close.
this post was brought to you courtesy of the 1980's!!!
People cheat every day, sometimes more than once a day. It might not be morally right to one, but it might be perfectly acceptable to another. I wouldn't do it (except with CRX maybe) but I'm also very happy in my marriage. Not everyone is and there might be different reasons that can't simply be solved by saying "just get a divorce".
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