Full Version: 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #6 Worst Poster
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Gooch is included since he won last year, he has a right to defend his title.

BTW Final Category for the awards.
my dynasty has just begun
SHENANIGANS! Thats fucked up Gonz, I couldnt be in for best but I can for worst? I thought I didnt fit the residency requirements? Oh well, least Ill get some more status.
But it's the whole point of your identity, you're THE rooner... it'd be an insult if you weren't in the running!
Thank you Gonzo. Someone finally gets me.
It was a compliment to you, I was hoping you'd see it that way.
How can anyone NOT love this big lug?
I'm pretty sure Gooch voted for Arpi and Gonzo voter for Splat.
other way around
I voted arpi just cause I think it will be the popular vote and Im trying to fit in.
Galt Wrote:I'm pretty sure Gooch voted for Arpi and Gonzo voter for Splat.
are you ever right?
I was when I said that Grumpy Gills was someone who was funnier as his alternate personality than his "known" personality before it came out that you were him.
If I lose, I will be so disappointed. Half those people hardly even post.
Galt Wrote:I was when I said that Grumpy Gills was someone who was funnier as his alternate personality than his "known" personality before it came out that you were him.
your email is up on my wall, sweetcheeks
This is a travesty, not one vote. Do the right thing people.
No Velociti?

This is a farce, a farce I say!
Do over!
Man, these end of year awards are worse than the 2000 elections.
I hope we dont have any hanging chads - that would really suck.
I think my cheating discussion and Hoons wife discussion are keeping us out of the running. I knew I should have kept posting drivel.
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