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the dumb nigger was oh so quiet this afternoon. just comes out at night.
Ummm Goochy... do remember he knows where we live.
you just want someone here that out weighs you.
[Image: handsup.gif]
yeah but if i left a stabbed cannoli at your door you would just eat it.
Black Lazerus Wrote:you just want someone here that out weighs you.
oh man, I can't think of something funny so let me go for the easy joke, lollers!!!!

yeah good one nigger
a cannoli??? hell, yeah.

[Image: nigger.jpg]

Edited By Gooch on 1105494320
i cant help but feel that if something has gotten to the point where goatweed gets upset, then that something must be incredibly stupid and wrong.
very true, I have never seen goat get upset...

It's like hearing Mister Rogers curse
does his sweater unravel?
Stop your gay drama bullshit. it upsets goatweed and that is wrong. plus its getting really tired.
yes goat is the good cop here. this is like seeing angry combos throwing danked, it's just plain wrong.

btw gooch nigger dosen't bother me i say it 100 times in the mirror each morning , it keeps my teeth white.
coal miner
I'm not upset, I just tire of the same drama going on over & over again for years now. Then it spreads to other boards, and just fuels a fire that shouldn't even exist in the first place. It just seems childish.

And I don't have that sweater anymore!!!
except when it comes to Wackbag - those idiots NEVER get too old to mock & laugh at.
I think the drama is stupid as well. I'm just over here, saying howdy. I've missed a few of you people.
well, as a FYI, i didn't make them come all here to fuck around. but i did ask them to vote (i'm sure several of you saw the post I made). And those who voted...were all members of this board. and an top of them, Header joined. I don't really call that a board vs board thing. i thought it was lighthearted fun that was very YMB-like. If Gonzo doesn't like that or has issue, I'm sure he'll let me know.
Quote:the same drama going on over & over again for years now. Then it spreads to other boards, and just fuels a fire that shouldn't even exist in the first place. It just seems childish

who is the common element in all of this drama?
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