Today on YMB, well actually, last night something that may be drama and may be golden age occurred.
Grkqtoandafan signed on as a new member and Metalfan began posting again.
This intrigues me.
Thank you for your time.
I thought TeenWeek did the news.
ask them to come post here
yes YMB is dead i should be able to collect my death pool point.
2 tired 2 give N F Wrote:I thought TeenWeek did the news.
Teenweek quoted the news, not reported it.
i know grk's relevance....but what did metalfan ever do that was memorable?
Quote:Teenweek quoted the news, not reported it.
That's true. What ever happened to that guy? He had a kid and then disappeard?
He wasn't relevant or memorable enough apparently.
That's probably because he didn't make threads askin if he pissed people off.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i know grk's relevance....but what did metalfan ever do that was memorable?
metalfan once freaked some gal out b/c he was chasing her and married. don't recall who, though
Gooch Wrote:Keyser Soze Wrote:i know grk's relevance....but what did metalfan ever do that was memorable?
metalfan once freaked some gal out b/c he was chasing her and married. don't recall who, though
This is precisely what intrigued me. was GRK. ahhhaaaaaaaaa
you know...if married or engaged people kept it in there fuckin pants, there'd be a lot less behind-the-scenes fiascos. Jeez.
I didn't think it was such a revelation.
I talked about all this behind the scenes shit in my uncensored interview.
Gooch Wrote:you know...if married or engaged people kept it in there fuckin pants, there'd be a lot less behind-the-scenes fiascos. Jeez.
hah i remember the metalfan/grk thread
i might have to do the buttmunch interview myself.....or ask gooch to do it.
up to you. but i think Gonzo would be stellar doing it if he didn't keep droppin the ball.
ill give him a couple more days, and then the job goes to gooch