Full Version: It's Dankeds birthday
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or he just put in some random date and now I look like an asshole...
well, then we're celebrating his birthday today, and if his real birthday is in July, then we'll make sure we make the extra effort to celebrate his birthday again!
I <3 Danked
Everyone loves danked, there is no one who dislikes him. He's the most popular kid in school!
he's taking me to the prom!!!
Gonzo Wrote:or he just put in some random date and now I look like an asshole...
yeah, cause this is what it takes.
It is and I thank you, gentlemen.
Have a Happy one!!!!!
happy bday. celebrate in style.

[Image: smoker.jpg]

"So what the fuck are we supposed to do with all this marijuana and pottery clay?"
[Image: smoker.jpg]
Have a happy one.
He called us gentlemen.

Happy Happy
happy birthday dude
Happy Birthday on the saddest day of the year, cheers!
why is today so sad?
they've determined that this is the day that people get more depressed than any other with careful calculations of variables such as, weather and holiday debt. i don't remember if there were any other factors.
You... came back for my birthday?

how could i forget!
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