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im in fucking boston, holy shit cant you just tell that your stupid IP tracker is flawed?!?!
you are nowhere near boston, you've got some persona working here mister!
diceisgod Wrote:the truth is rearing it's ugly head again to bite arpi in the ass
you are babbling. i live nowhere near jersey city.
[Image: post-13-05047-arpi_house.jpg]

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1106605114
Arpikarhu Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:the truth is rearing it's ugly head again to bite arpi in the ass
you are babbling. i live nowhere near jersey city.
and from what you have said you do live near it it's in the same county
what county is jersey city in?
nope. i live in a different county
if boston is seen as maryland, i wonder where i am
faggot hell
I interviewed for a job in Jersey City. Didn't seem like a bad place. At least Merryl's building didn't. It even had an Au Bon Pain
Um...Jersey City is in Hudson County.
still not the same county i live in
part of jersey city is very nice, the gold coast which is right on the hudson river. mostly luxury condos and apartments. but none of jersey city could be considered suburban.

you are both lying.
Arpikarhu Wrote:faggot hell
then where are the big titted women?
i do not live in union or hudson county
he lives in mercer county town name starts with an H.

it's a suburb of Newark.
Mercer county is Trenton. Newark is Essex, I believe Harrison is a Newark suburb...
i meant Essex i dont know why i put mercer. my bad
newark represent!
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