that & Robert Blake's stunning performance are pretty much all I remember from that movie.
yeah I remember when I saw it, i was like "omg is that beretta!!!?"
The boys would love this story!! You could get on the air.
You should have also said after the second time, "OK, NOW I'm laughing at you."
hahaha i should've. I am considering calling them tommorow before work. what's the number?
One of the lead stories on Drudge is "Chaos hits NYC subways"
Maybe she set the fire at Chambers Street that fucked up the C Train?
i would have payed money to see this.
I'll re-enact it for you, for money
Mad, you have an XM radio right? what's their number?
all sorts of people are crazy and self conscious i literally got yelled and a hot dog thrown at me in the middle of a mall because i didnt smile back at some guy as he walked by my table....
I hope I'm the first one to see Sleeper in person so I can attack him with my lighter.
Did she think you were a caveman??
I'm gonna carry around my own lighter in defense. it's shaped like a fish!
Like a jesus fish or a regular one?
regular. the tail flips up
I thought maybe your mom gave it to you
I hate those people who have the Darwin symbol on the back of their cars.
I remember when Putty had the Jesus Fish on his car and told Elaine she was going to hell.
I hate Jesus Fish.
I hope I read something on about this subway conversation soon
It's so obvious that Sleeper was laughing at this poor girl, even so far as to start pointing at her and talking to the passenger next to him, who was clearly uncomfortable with Sleeper's cruel abuse. I further claim that it was Sleeper who got off first, banged on the glass, and gave the girl the finger as the train pulled away.
She later died when a horse in Central Park trampled her.