Top 20 movies since 1970 - Whomp!  here it is. - Printable Version

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- Galt - 05-16-2002

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>1. Se7en
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Goodfellas
4. Godfather I
5. Fight Club
6. Shawshank Redemption
7. Godfather II
8. Clerks
9. Braveheart
10. Star Wars
11. Reservior Dogs
12. Jaws
13. Silence of the Lambs
14. The Matrix
15. The Usual Suspects
16. The Empire Strikes Back
17. Gladiator
18. Forrest Gump
19. Boyz n the Hood
20. Rocky

All the votes
Se7en (126)
Pulp Fiction (109)
Goodfellas (80)
Godfather I (78)
Fight Club (77)
Shawshank Redemption (73)
Godfather II (70)
Clerks (69)
Braveheart (65)
Star Wars (64)
Reservior Dogs (63)
Jaws (62)
Silence of the Lambs (60)
Matrix (60)
Usual Suspects (59)
Empire Strikes Back (55)
Gladiator (39)
Forrest Gump (38)
Boyz n the Hood (36)
Rocky (34)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (33)
Chasing Amy (32)
Memento (32)
Office Space (31)
Schindlers List (31)
Almost Famous (28)
Friday (27)
American Psycho (26)
American History X (24)
Taxi Driver (24)
Amadeus (24)
Big Lebowski (20)
Caddyshack (20)
American Beauty (18)
Major League (18)
Barton Fink (18)
Lethal Weapon (18)
Scarface (17)
A Few Good Men (17)
Toy Story (17)
Miller's Crossing (17)
Halloween (17)
Sixth Sense (16)
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (16)
The Crow (16)
Kingpin (16)
Boondock Saints (16)
M*A*S*H (16)
Dazed & Confused (16)
Wall Street (15)
Beauty and the Beast (15)
Saving Private Ryan (14)
Raging Bull (14)
Dog Day Afternoon (14)
Mallrats (14)
Tombstone (13)
12 monkeys (13)
Dead Poets Society (13)
Devil's Advocate (13)
Shining (13)
Half Baked (13)
Lost Boys (13)
Trainspotting (12)
Good Will Hunting (12)
Mean Streets (12)
Billy Madison (12)
2001 space odyssey (12)
Return of the Jedi (12)
Risky Business (11)
The Beach (11)
Once Upon A Time In America (11)
Spiderman (11)
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (10)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (11)
Training Day (10)
Field of Dreams (10)
Aliens (10)
Platoon (10)
armegeddon (10)
Phantom Menace (9)
Happiness (9)
L.A. Confidential (9)
RainMan (9)
Up in Smoke (9)
FaceOff (8)
The Fast and the Furious (8)
Breakfast Club (8)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (8)
Better Off Dead (7)
Black Hawk Down (7)
ET (7)
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (7)
Shrek (7)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (7)
Meet the Parents (6)
Blazing Saddles (6)
Jurrasic Park (6)
Magnolia (6)
Terms of Endearment (6)
Malcolm X (5)
There's Something About Mary (5)
Requiem For a Dream (5)
Boiler Room (5)
Ace Ventura (5)
Traffic (5)
Baseketball (4)
Donnie Brasco (4)
Kids (4)
High Plains Drifter (4)
Xmen (4)
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (4)
The Sting (3)
Boogie Nights (3)
Brazil (3)
Suicide Kings (3)
Austin Powers 2 (3)
Bad Boys (3)
Ferris Buellers Day Off (3)
A Bronx Tale (3)
Welcome to the Dollhouse (3)
Being John Malkovich (2)
Black Sheep (2)
King of Comedy(2)
Menace II Society (2)
Basketbal Diaries (1)
Die Hard (1)
Grumpy Old Men (1)
Next Friday (1)
The Black Cauldron (1)

- Hybrid - 05-16-2002

my #1 was #1. cool. :bouncer:

Quote:13. Silence of the Lambs
14. The Matrix

Quote:Silence of the Lambs (60)
Matrix (60)

BLASPHEMY!! matrix should be 13! :-(

otherwise a job well done galt. :thumbs-up:

Edited By HyBriD on May 16 2002 at 3:05

- IkeaBoy - 05-16-2002

No clockwork orange? Blasphemy, I guess it's my fault for not doing it.

- Maynard - 05-16-2002

Nice job Galt.
Star Wars? Good story, but the acting in A New Hope was beyond terrible. Go back and watch it sometime and really watch the acting. Almost all of them were fresh faces at the time, and really kinda bit the big one acting wise. They got TONS better for Empire. Personally, I feel if it's in the top 20, it should be way down the list.

2 Fincher films!!! NICE!

I can't believe 2001 was so far down the list. :-(

- Galt - 05-16-2002

The two that surprised me were how high Boyz n the Hood was and how low American Psycho was. I didn't think that anyone else would vote for Boyz n the Hood (and no Kid didn't even vote), and I figured with this crowd, American Psycho would be up near the top.

PS. Hybrid. You're #1 wasn't number 1 overall.

Edited By Galt on May 16 2002 at 4:28

- The Sleeper - 05-16-2002

wow, only 1 kevin smith film in the top 20. How many lists did you get overall?

- Spitfire - 05-16-2002

Cool! Nice job! got my votes in just in the nick of time, not that it mattered cuz most of the stuff with only one vote are ones I picked :crackhead: I forgot a lot of movies in my list!

- Galt - 05-16-2002

Quote:wow, only 1 kevin smith film in the top 20. How many lists did you get overall?

Something like 12 overall. If you want to be certain, I can either open up my Excel program and find out, or you cad add up all the votes listed and divide by 20. Whichever is easiest.

- criticslovesnatch - 05-16-2002

well my top 3 made the top 7 on the list...only thing I was surprised at was how low american beauty of my favorite movies.

galt, how did you do scoring, did you do 20 pts for a #1 vote and on down or just count votes?

- Galt - 05-16-2002

20 points for #1; 19 for #2 and down. Just like Maynard with the music thing.

PS. CLS was the first list, and as you can see, "Snatch" wasn't on his list.

- Kim - 05-16-2002

Basketbal Diaries (1)
Die Hard (1)
Grumpy Old Men (1)
Next Friday (1)
The Black Cauldron (1)

Ok who voted for these?? :-) I did Basketball Diaries...

- Hybrid - 05-16-2002

next friday was me.

oh yea, i did have the matrix #1 didnt i ...Confusedneak:

- Galt - 05-16-2002

I had Die Hard. It was either Die Hard of Basketball Diaries as my last one. But Die Hard was the first rated R movie I saw in the theatres. It really was a great great movie

- HedCold - 05-16-2002

yea so i'll probably get bashed for this, but grumpy old men was me. i was drawing a blank and for some reason that movie popped into my head so i went with it. afterwards i realized movies i left out, but whatever

Quote:next friday was me.
were you the other one who voted for friday?

- Hybrid - 05-16-2002

no. just next friday. (although the original one was funny as hell too)

- Arthur Dent - 05-17-2002

Wow, I haven't seen over half the list. Well, guess I know what I'll be looking for in the video store next time.

Didn't put in a list. Had a hard time just coming up with 20 movies I thought were worthy. Half of them aren't up there and the other half wouldn't have had any effect.

Suprised noone mentioned Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket.
And I DIDN'T have Star Wars on my list. Just Empire.
I did have "The Dark Crystal" which in my opinion is Jim Henson's masterpiece and one of the greatest children's stories ever filmed.

Edited By Arthur Dent on May 17 2002 at 05:24

- Spitfire - 05-17-2002

I voted for the Black Cauldron, it's my favorite Disney movie, based upon the Chronicles of Prydain...

How could you vote Next Friday over Friday..that sequel Chris Tucker

- Keyser Soze - 05-17-2002

Quote:not that it mattered cuz most of the stuff with only one vote are ones I picked

small independent movies? Wink

I was surprised and pleased to see Boyz n The Hood but the best movie of that genre in my opinion is Menace II Society. It got so much more replay value. I've seen the movie hundreds of times and I still love it.

- Spitfire - 05-17-2002

Actually, not really :-p (except for Memento), I voted for:
Dazed and Confused
Nightmare on Elm Street
Up in Smoke
High Plains Drifter
Suicide Kings
Being John Malkovich

Can't believe I forgot to vote for American History X!!!

- Sir O - 05-18-2002

I totally forgot about this, so I didn't vote (my votes wouldn't have mattered anyway, still...), but I can't believe A Clockwork Orange got NO VOTES!!?!? Easily one of the 20 best movies since 1970.

Se7en might be one of the top 50 movies since 1970, but certainly not the best, and I challenge anyone to make a case that it is. I would have pegged Pulp Fiction as #1 for this list, with Godfather I as #2 (even though II was better), and Goodfellas as #3. I guess I wasn't too far off...

Movies in the top 20 that aren't even among the 100 best since 1970: Braveheart, The Matrix, Gladiator, Forrest Gump, possibly Silence Of The Lambs.

Pleasant surprises: Shawshank #6 (top 20 for me, but for some reason, I wasn't expecting it to be so high here), Boyz (not in my top 20, but nice to see it get some recognition), Schindlers List and Saving Private Ryan and Scarface and Full Metal Jacket NOT in the top 20 (nor should they be).

Anyway, my #1 would have been Godfather II. Just wanted to get something out there, since I missed the deadline.

Good job Galt.