Show this little guy how much he has to live for.. - Printable Version

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- Danked - 08-13-2002

Poor guy... think he needs a pep talk!


HenryKicksAss324 [8:21 PM]: hey, wanna read my suicide note?? I just finished writing it.
Gddanked [8:21 PM]: do i know you?
Gddanked [8:22 PM]: nevermind, i'm not interested....
Gddanked [8:22 PM]: just fucking do it.
HenryKicksAss324 [8:22 PM]: no, but thats the point, cause you know, you don't care, why should you
Gddanked [8:23 PM]: make sure it's incredibly bloody....
Gddanked [8:23 PM]: and in front of a lot of people
Gddanked [8:23 PM]: i'd download it
Gddanked [8:23 PM]: posively save it for posterity if it's cool enough
HenryKicksAss324 [8:24 PM]: maybe I'll jump off a building, maybe I'll get lucky and hit a little kid?
Gddanked [8:24 PM]: eh.... not flashy enough
HenryKicksAss324 [8:24 PM]: or i should blow myself up in the middle of disneyworld
Gddanked [8:25 PM]: now you're talking
HenryKicksAss324 [8:25 PM]: ehhh, I'm too poor to get to florida and too dumb to make a bomb
Gddanked [8:25 PM]: but do it in mgm... that one sucks
Gddanked [8:25 PM]: epcot and magic kingdom are too fun
Gddanked [8:25 PM]: i have good memories of those.
Gddanked [8:25 PM]: so why so glum, chum?
HenryKicksAss324 [8:26 PM]: mgm is the one with only one good ride, right?? the tower of terror?
HenryKicksAss324 [8:26 PM]: i was completely pissed
Gddanked [8:26 PM]: Hell yeah... nine times in a row in one day
Gddanked [8:26 PM]: but we're straying from the point...
Gddanked [8:26 PM]: your imminent death
HenryKicksAss324 [8:27 PM]: yeah, im too much of an underachiever to do anything big, i'll just settle for the cup of drano or liquid plumber, i forget which one we buy
Gddanked [8:28 PM]: allright, you've peaked my interest.... lemme see your note
HenryKicksAss324 [8:29 PM]: nothing too messy you know, i wouldn't want to ruin my mothers white carpet
Gddanked [8:29 PM]: lay out some blue tarp
Gddanked [8:29 PM]: and keep some club soda handy for when they find you
Gddanked [8:30 PM]: wait, can club soda take blood out? i'm not sure
HenryKicksAss324 [8:30 PM]: ehh not really blood is kinda tricky to get out
Gddanked [8:30 PM]: lots of tarps then, double up
Gddanked [8:30 PM]: make sure you hit a major artery
Gddanked [8:31 PM]: arterie
Gddanked [8:31 PM]: strange word, that one
Gddanked [8:31 PM]: ro.... ads....
Gddanked [8:31 PM]: heh
Gddanked [8:31 PM]: k, now i'm straying
HenryKicksAss324 [8:31 PM]: i actually tryed that back in 7th grade, didn't work, aparently i can't even slit my wrist the right way
Gddanked [8:32 PM]: tried
Gddanked [8:32 PM]: :-D
Gddanked [8:32 PM]: so where's your note?
Gddanked [8:32 PM]: maybe i can go over your grammer and spelling
HenryKicksAss324 [8:32 PM]: i got it typed up right here on my computer
Gddanked [8:32 PM]: don't want to look silly, do ya?
Gddanked [8:33 PM]: send it along, my friend
Gddanked [8:33 PM]: cut and paste
HenryKicksAss324 [8:33 PM]: talk to i think i'll make you the last person i'll ever
Gddanked [8:33 PM]: i'm honored
HenryKicksAss324 [8:33 PM]: wowsers i don't know what happened to that sentence it got fucked up
HenryKicksAss324 [8:35 PM]: well i gotta get going, i wanna get this done before my parents get home
Gddanked [8:35 PM]: so again, i ask...
Gddanked [8:35 PM]: why so glum, chum?
Gddanked [8:35 PM]: tease
Gddanked [8:40 PM]: but i wanna see the note... :-(
HenryKicksAss324 [8:41 PM]: uh oh i think I'm starting to chicken out
Gddanked [8:41 PM]: can't find the tarps?
HenryKicksAss324 [8:41 PM]: thats not good, the world would be such a less annoying place without me
HenryKicksAss324 [8:52 PM]: dude thats like a totally cruel thing to do to someone whos about to kill themselves. I'm not gonna do it anyways, well at least not today, i need to work on my suicide note writing skills, i don't wanna look like a tool, ya know
Gddanked [8:52 PM]: Sorry had to switch phone lines...
HenryKicksAss324 [8:54 PM]: ehh, thats ok, the moment passed anyways, i don't feel like it anymore, kinda like when you take to long to open the condom package and then your not in the mood anymore
Gddanked [8:55 PM]: no, no, no... you gotta learn to commit
HenryKicksAss324 [8:55 PM]: but my lack of motavation makes me even more depressed than i was to begin with
Gddanked [8:55 PM]: ride this baby out till the end

- Danked - 08-13-2002

HenryKicksAss324 [9:04 PM]: I hate that I always feel this way. Its a constant feeling of pain, and sadness, and anger, and sometimes i can control it, to keep up apearances, but other times its so overwhelming, that I would do anything just to make it stop, even just for a second. As long as I can remember, its always been like this, and I don't completely understand why, I can't even begin to explain it. No matter what happens, its impossible for me to be happy. I used to be so scared that i was losing my mind or already had. But I don't even care anymore, anything is better than this, I rather feel absolutly nothing that what i feel like now. I just want to rest, im so tired of everything.

HenryKicksAss324 [9:04 PM]: im such a cheezeball
Gddanked [9:04 PM]: drama queen

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

Quote:HenryKicksAss324 [8:31 PM]: i actually tryed that back in 7th grade, didn't work, aparently i can't even slit my wrist the right way
[Image: 1029200683680_post_9_71862_wrist.jpg]

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

This will only be fun if we can watch.

I always get strange IMs, but this tops it. Rolleyes

- Danked - 08-13-2002

don't show me, show him!

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

i'm trying Danked... but he's not replying to my IM's

- Danked - 08-13-2002

HenryKicksAss324 [9:06 PM]: I've grown immune to prozac, this is my last resort
Gddanked [9:06 PM]: so......
HenryKicksAss324 [9:07 PM]: soo.......
HenryKicksAss324 [9:07 PM]: are you trying to ask how long it will be till i get this over with so that I'll leave you the Hell alone
Gddanked [9:08 PM]: a little of both actually
Gddanked [9:08 PM]: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _wrist.jpg</a><!-- m -->
HenryKicksAss324 [9:09 PM]: hmm didn't work, all i got was the box with the x on it
Gddanked [9:09 PM]: drat
Gddanked [9:09 PM]: it was a good one
HenryKicksAss324 [9:10 PM]: i'll try again....
HenryKicksAss324 [9:10 PM]: awwww....thanks for the advice
Gddanked [9:11 PM]: no prob
HenryKicksAss324 [9:12 PM]: the truth is I have an eating disorder and if i don't kill myself now, i'll probably die of starvation in like a week
HenryKicksAss324 [9:12 PM]: good times
HenryKicksAss324 [9:14 PM]: i have momentary jolts of violence and insanity from time to time, probably due to the malnutrition, or the coke or something
Gddanked [9:14 PM]: maybe that's your problem
HenryKicksAss324 [9:15 PM]: yepm, so it is

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Okay....I can't control my urges....going to IM the freak....

- Danked - 08-13-2002

HenryKicksAss324 [9:15 PM]: whos your little friend who imed me??
Gddanked [9:15 PM]: :-D
Gddanked [9:16 PM]: he's just trying to help
Gddanked [9:19 PM]: you don't want to fail at another endeavor do you?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

He said hi and is now ignoring me...this is all I have:
Quote:Doodles46: hey....
HenryKicksAss324: hi
Doodles46: how are you?
Doodles46: you still there?
Doodles46: i know you're there and ignoring me, i know of your troubles, i have the same ones too, i was thinking we could do this together and make everyone who's ever hurt us regret it

- Danked - 08-13-2002

He's ignoring me too Undecided

Gddanked [9:22 PM]: friend of mine wants to know how much you pay per gram
Gddanked [9:23 PM]: she pays a fortune
Gddanked [9:23 PM]: i don't condone that sort of behavior though
Gddanked [9:24 PM]: but i don't judge

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I got him to respond!!
Quote:Doodles46: i'll even let you fuck me before we die....
HenryKicksAss324: well now your talking
Doodles46: come on, it will be great, you don't need a condom if we're going to die, they can find us with your semen all inside me and then everyone who's ever doubted your manhood would know how cool you are
HenryKicksAss324: sorry dude, hate to disappoint you but Im a chick
Doodles46: i like chicks too

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on Aug. 12 2002 at 9:25

- Danked - 08-13-2002

HenryKicksAss324 [9:25 PM]: i don;t pay, i give sexual favors for free drug, it works out well what with me having no morals or nothing
Gddanked [9:25 PM]: pffffft.. you lie
Gddanked [9:28 PM]: you suck dick for coke?
Gddanked [9:28 PM]: ewwwww.....
Gddanked [9:28 PM]: bob saget would be proud
Gddanked [9:29 PM]: heh... that's a great flick

- Danked - 08-13-2002

This is a chick!?!?!?

Nevermind... stay away, polly...

She's mine!

- HedCold - 08-13-2002

maybe you could talk about tenacious d

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

So he's a she.....this is odd....

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

at least you got a reply Polly :disappointed: ...he didn't even answer mine.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Its cause he is a she....promise sex, that's how I got a reply.

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

oooh.... a chick.... teen angst i hope.... be right back :bouncer:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Ummm...OMG this chick is 12....

Quote:HenryKicksAss324: wait so what do you look like, i don't want the last person i fuck to be all gross and what not
Doodles46: first tell me why you want to die and then i'll tell you
HenryKicksAss324: cause my parents wouldn't buy me a pony when i was 5
Doodles46: mine neither
Doodles46: okay, so i'm 5'5" dark brown hair, and brown eyes
Doodles46: what about you?

my father used to fuck me when i was younger, i called the authorities but they didn't believe me, i think i'm going to kill myself so he knows what he did
HenryKicksAss324: well Im basicly just pissed cause of the pony thing
Doodles46: yea, i can understand that, my parents also would never buy me the cool clothes or nice glasses so i always got beat up
HenryKicksAss324: and i ran outta nyquil and didn't feel like going to the pharmacy so i figured I'd off myself since i had nothing better todo
Doodles46: so are we going to do this or what?
Doodles46: don't do the drano thing though, that hurts
Doodles46: my plan was painless
HenryKicksAss324: what the Hell why not
Doodles46: where do you live
HenryKicksAss324: im not telling you what if your a rapist and you come and kill me, that totally defeats the purpose of suicide
Doodles46: not your specific address, i mean area
HenryKicksAss324: ohhhhh
HenryKicksAss324: long island
Doodles46: cause if we're really far from one another, i'm going to have to get going to meet you
Doodles46: i'm in brooklyn
Doodles46: here's what we are going to do, pay attention
Doodles46: first though, how old are you
HenryKicksAss324: 12
Doodles46: you're 12?!?!?
HenryKicksAss324: yep
Doodles46: are you a virgin?
Doodles46: cause you really shouldn't die a virgin
Doodles46: i could have my brother f' you as a goodbye present
HenryKicksAss324: hey no fair! you said you'd f me
Doodles46: oh i will, but do you want to be with a man too?

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on Aug. 12 2002 at 9:37