so this new guy shows up at work - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 02-03-2004

Yesterday a new agent shows up for his first day at the office. He talks to the branch manager and stuff and then he gets his desk and stuff. He sits around for a while, I am looking through the new classifieds and doin some cold calling so I don't say nothin to him. as I am on hold with people I glance over at him a couple times and just smile and nod. I take a good gander at him and it strikes me that he looks just like iraqi information minister, the guy who was on TV saying that american were nowhere near baghdad while they were in the main palace takin shits on saddams golden toilets.

So time goes by and I take a break to organize my notes and work out my appoitments. He comes over and says hi, I say hi back and shake hands with him. I tell him my name and he tells me his name and I let out an uncontrolable giggle. He says "hello, my name is Salam Hussein". I think to myself "that's a fuckin joke, right?" But I dont say nothin, I just say nice to meet you and ask him for a couple of his cards.

I spent the rest of my day putting an "o" next to the l of his name, so it read Sadam Hussein and giggled to myself, it was a very productive day indeed.

At alkey's request I made sure to call him Salami today and he just smiled and said "Salam", I giggled again. Cause he actually does smell like salami, he definetly needs a little intervention on his BO problem.

- PatCooper - 02-03-2004

Ah Salam Malakim

- diceisgod - 02-03-2004

Throw a net over him and call the FBI

- GonzoStyle - 02-03-2004

I bet he's buyin up property for the terrorists, they got dough... maybe I should befriend him instead.

- HedCold - 02-03-2004

BAGHDAD BOB!@#!@#!@@#@

- Arpikarhu - 02-04-2004

another jays wannabe. danked is right. tainted

- Kid Afrika - 02-04-2004

I say this story was short, to the point and interesting enough to keep the reader's interest. What's most important is there was good character development in the beginning without a lot of fluff. By the end, you knew what the guy looked, smelled and probably sounded like. Way better than the typical Jays story.

Bravo, GS. Bravo.

- PatCooper - 02-04-2004

Remove your nose from the mans butt.

- Arpikarhu - 02-04-2004

he knows no other way.

- Galt - 02-04-2004

what is your cold calling script?

"Wanna buy a house?"

"Why not?"

- Arpikarhu - 02-04-2004


- diceisgod - 02-04-2004

Hey Sabu, can you make a bullshot?

- The Sleeper - 02-04-2004

Galt Wrote:what is your cold calling script?

"Wanna buy a house?"

"Why not?"
i got the reference

- Goatweed - 02-04-2004

I enjoyed this story - because I can totally see you laughing to yourself all day long.

- GonzoStyle - 02-04-2004

Galt Wrote:what is your cold calling script?

"Wanna buy a house?"

"Why not?"
wanna buy a house door?

- QuickStop - 02-04-2004

that was a really good story. the giggling is great

- IrishAlkey - 02-04-2004

I'm an excellent suggestion maker.

- Keyser Soze - 02-04-2004

i would love to read a transcript of one of gonzo's cold calls.

- GonzoStyle - 02-04-2004

I don't have a script, every person is different. I try to feel them out first and talk to them as a friend not just a dollar sign. Though I don't give in till they curse me out or just hand up.

If they hang up I call back and say "oh we musta gotten disconnected"

If they curse me out I call back and say "I just want to apologize for aggrivating you, I don't even want the listing or to bother you. I just wanted to say I am sorry and I won't bother you again"

Usually they feel like crap and give in.

- Galt - 02-04-2004

The Sleeper Wrote:
Galt Wrote:what is your cold calling script?

"Wanna buy a house?"

"Why not?"
i got the reference
I knew I could count on one Seinfeld fan