New Skin - Please excuse our appearance - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 02-24-2003

Quote:if you find what I say entertaining
i dont. it s boring.

Quote:the opinions of a 34 year old
i am not 34

Quote:hobo who runs up and wants to wash my windshield
i didnt think anyone actually used the word "hobo" anymore. :lol:

Quote:you aren't original
then why do you have to everything i do? ie; i want to be a mod, peace be with you, etc....

Quote:your feined intellect
its not feigned, i really am alot smarter than you. its true.

Quote:so that's why I simply ignore you,
does this seem oxymoronic to anyone else? it does to me. how can you be addressing me if you are ignoring me? idiot.

- crx girl - 02-24-2003

Quote:I know the definition of ignore
i'm not entirely sure that you do

Edited By crx girl on 1046124337

- Keyser Soze - 02-24-2003

looks like you're having alot of success on that "ignoring him" deal. good stuff.

i take arpi about as seriously as britney spears acting career.

- Arpikarhu - 02-24-2003

Quote:i take arpi about as seriously as britney spears acting career
no one asked you. but for your information , that little coke whore is gonna win an academy some day.

- LyricalGomez - 02-24-2003

We need an ignore feature

- criticslovesnatch - 02-24-2003

Sorry to bring this back around to topic, but are you gonna put some of the other new skins as optional ones? such as 2 tired's or any of the other runner ups?

- crx girl - 02-24-2003

Quote:We need an ignore feature
that's kinda like when lent asked to be banned because he couldn't resist the temptation of

yes snatch.

- The Sleeper - 02-24-2003

Quote:that's kinda like when lent asked to be banned because he couldn't resist the temptation of

- LyricalGomez - 02-24-2003

Quote:that's kinda like when lent asked to be banned because he couldn't resist the temptation of

I hate you

Quote:but are you gonna put some of the other new skins as optional ones? such as 2 tired's or any of the other runner ups?

I'm guessing Keyser wants to finish the default one before adding more

- QuickStop - 02-24-2003

if the other skins are going up, can i chose which one of mine goes up? because as you know, i disagreed with the choice made for the pole.

- Arpikarhu - 02-24-2003

i want keysers x-ray one. it was kewl!

- The Sleeper - 02-24-2003

Quote:you know the rules sleeper
was arpi making a provocative gesture that qualifies as porn?

- FNMoron - 02-24-2003

Quote:i want keysers x-ray one. it was kewl!
translation: i want keysers poo hole. it is kewl!

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 02-24-2003

Quote:ok... it's 3 o'clock ...where's that friggin salsa kid

I was in class...teacher wanted me to stay after for some extra credit work... :fucking:

Anyway I thought I'd show up with my t-shirts...even though no one will want to cheer me on...
<center>[Image: tshirt.jpg]</center>

Ok Momo do your worst let's get this overwith...

- Danked - 02-24-2003

Geez... did Arpi IM everybody to get that picture taken down?

- Arpikarhu - 02-24-2003

Quote:Geez... did Arpi IM everybody to get that picture taken down?
i was invoking my rights under the Baker ruling of 2003

- FNMoron - 02-24-2003

Quote:I was in class...teacher wanted me to stay after for some extra credit work...
translation: i was a pussy... teacher was wiping the poop out of my pants for me...

- The Sleeper - 02-24-2003

weird, i thought arpi was ignoring my posts. did someone else post the picture too? :clueless:

- LyricalGomez - 02-24-2003

I dunno, btw, that whole Baker thing was overturned, I think we should cell Tricia for this injustice

- FNMoron - 02-24-2003

psssst... Gomez.... let's wait til Danked leaves for his Phish concert... then we'll stage a coup ....whatta you say?