HI.. - New Here - Printable Version

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- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

Luna the designated board driver...... :- )

- Luna - 12-31-2002

Quote:Luna the designated board driver...... :- )
Yup....that's me. :-D

Happy New Year everybody! Have a safe and happy. :toast:

- Hey Ladi - 01-01-2003

:fuggin: started already :thumbs-up: have a good time everyone :banana:

don't drive if you don't have to

Quote:these are not my beautiful posts
this is not my beautiful wife?

Quote:I'll cum once tonight for each and every one of you.
dope dick or whiskey dick? :thumbs-up: :banana:

:fuggin: :toast:

- crx girl - 01-01-2003

Quote:English girls
i think we've already filled our quota, thanks. and i'm sure i had a lot of other things to say but i forget. i did though

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-01-2003

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Hoon - 01-01-2003

Happy New Year, momma.
(I have my penis out right now)

- PollyannaFlower46 - 01-01-2003

Quote:(I have my penis out right now)
Undecided :disappointed:

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-01-2003

Quote:Happy New Year, momma.
(I have my penis out right now)

alright hoonie thats what I wanted. :-)

- Hoon - 01-01-2003

Im putting it away now, my dog thinks it's a toy.

- snowballschanceinhell - 01-01-2003

Happy New Year Hoon.. *licks* ya

- drusilla - 01-01-2003

Quote:Maybe Irish...

please don't call him that

- Luna - 01-01-2003

HOONIE!!!!!!!!! :lookatme:

<marquee>:bouncer:<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Welcome Hoonie</span> :bouncer:</marquee>

- drusilla - 01-01-2003


- Hoon - 01-01-2003

Heya Luner!
schlicks Dotti

- The Sleeper - 01-01-2003

Quote:Some think 4 quartes make a dollar.
~~I say it just makes more cents~~

- Arpikarhu - 01-01-2003

who the fuck is Hoon?!?!?
this board is becoming Cold Day in the Life of Luna's personal friends

- The Sleeper - 01-01-2003

I hear <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> has a nice board.

- LyricalGomez - 01-01-2003

This Arpi rocks

- PollyannaFlower46 - 01-01-2003

What's happening here? :clueless:

- Hybrid - 01-01-2003

not sure