Gonzo - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 09-30-2005

I jerked off before I logged on, I stepped into the splooge by accident and I thought of Galt.

- Goatweed - 09-30-2005

you sure you weren't thinking of him while you were jerkin' off?

- GonzoStyle - 09-30-2005

No that was christina aguilera and her whoreish ways.

- The Sleeper - 09-30-2005

biting my tongue

- IrishAlkey - 09-30-2005

Say it, bitch.

- The Jays - 09-30-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:I jerked off before I logged on, I stepped into the splooge by accident and I thought of Galt.
Who were you thinking of when it hit your face and dripped slowly to the ground?

- Goatweed - 09-30-2005

an eggplant !!!

- GonzoStyle - 09-30-2005

so you heard about that

- Goatweed - 09-30-2005

yeah, people talk.