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- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

Gooch Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:right because there are no left wing outfits like faux news that provide the same service.....

the news pages of The Wall Street Journal leans furthest to the left. CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are not far behind.

Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times are right of the average U.S. voter.

The media skews much more to the left than to the right, but of course you have your own bias that prevents you from realizing this.

WSJ is nothing of the sort. it is a very right-leaning pro-business organization.

Really? I guess someone better check their wiki entry....

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Quote:while the editorial page of TWSJ is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than TNYT

from wiki.....

Quote:Political position
Liberal news coverage
Conservative editorial opinion

- Hoon - 02-08-2006


- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

do you read the paper?
or just the descriptions?

- Gooch - 02-08-2006

i read it and disagree to what someone "provided" Wikipedia. I mean...someone tried to put this to them too....

"Founded 1/12/2002 by sean cold . cdih was formed as a place for disgruntled members of opieanthony .com to post without censorship. It was also meant as a haven from the drama created by the owner of , Froy and from Anthony, a member of the then WNEW radio team Opie and Anthony."

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

gooch, if you want to argue the point for arguements sake go ahead. i'll site source upon source, liberal or conservative, that will define TWSJ as such. its commonly accepted, im surprised you are even disputing it.

should i go on?

- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

I'll go ahead and concede the point...
I've been down this road too many times with Hoon,
the argument goes from a significant point, to one of a point of minutae.

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

so about that conservative media were saying?

- Gooch - 02-08-2006

i'm just questioning an issue that you are using other places to support your argument. i actually read it. i can go and sport places that put WSJ as to the right....but its pointless. I have read the UCLA study that says this, and Wiki is probably using that...

"While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study"

I judge a paper by it's Editorial and leadership, and that puts WSJ from the right by this regard. Same with the NY Daily News.

- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

you are using another tactic of shifting the argument,
or defining my position.

I was discussing the actions of RNC spin machines.

If you want to discuss media bias in general, start a thread and I'd be happy to participate.

this topic was Faux advocating for the hunting of whistle blowers who exposed illegal activity, vs. their propaganda defense of the Bush administration in the Plame affair.

- Hoon - 02-08-2006

Oh ok. So you only want whistleblowers jailed who leak information you want leaked - if it's anti-right, then you want these american heros left alone.

I see how that works.

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

wow, are you insinuating that RNC spins stories??? you are breaking some serious ground here! the DNC of course would never do such a thing, right?

- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

is whistle blowing an illegal activity something that should be punished.....

you take an incredibly harsh stance and say that ANY leak should be punished, how do you reconcile that with your defense of the administration in the Plame affair....

someone is being Bi-Partisan....

- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

Keyser Soze Wrote:wow, are you insinuating that RNC spins stories??? you are breaking some serious ground here! the DNC of course would never do such a thing, right?

I am saying that Faux news reads off the script the RNC hands them....
I defy you to name a news outlet that is as partisan as Faux but leans left.

- Hoon - 02-08-2006

Isn't scooter libby going to have his day in court?
Are you saying because Karl Rove isn't nailed to a cross right now - it's all bullshit?

I thought it was you who touted the credibility of the prosecuter? Or is that dependent on who he charges.

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

anyone breaking the cover of a agent should be punished. that includes the folks involved in the Plame affair. i am 100% with you in this matter, i'm just laughing at how surprised you seem that the RNC would try and spin it.

- Hoon - 02-08-2006

Ken'sPen Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:wow, are you insinuating that RNC spins stories??? you are breaking some serious ground here! the DNC of course would never do such a thing, right?

I am saying that Faux news reads off the script the RNC hands them....
I defy you to name a news outlet that is as partisan as Faux but leans left.
CNN, CBS, NBC, The NYT etc, etc, etc.
The conservatives have one 'news' program and you feel threatened because your 60 year monopoly has come to and end?

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

I am saying that Faux news reads off the script the RNC hands them....
I defy you to name a news outlet that is as partisan as Faux but leans left.

and Air America, and Alan Colmes, and every other DNC puppet in the media reads off the script that the DNC hands them.

you're fighting a worthless battle, there is conservative and liberal bias in the media. why not focus on the issues rather than the pundits? you are wasting your time arguing about stuffed suits on both sides of the aisle.

- Ken'sPen - 02-08-2006

Keyser Soze Wrote:anyone breaking the cover of a agent should be punished. that includes the folks involved in the Plame affair. i am 100% with you in this matter, i'm just laughing at how surprised you seem that the RNC would try and spin it.

see my post above....
NOT the RNC spinning, but FAUX regurgatating the company line.

- Keyser Soze - 02-08-2006

who cares, its faux news, what do you expect???

- Hoon - 02-08-2006

I think Ken has sprung an intelligence leak of his own