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- Lord Magus - 04-24-2002

Quote:Enyclopedia Brown
Holy crap, I COMPLETELY forgot about that!! I actually had every Encyclopedia Brown book published (and they may still be buried somewhere in the basement)..
And who could forget Dr. Suess??

And then there was the Charlie Brown Encyclopedia set..

Edited By Lord Magus on April 24 2002 at 3:42

- fbd - 04-24-2002

i just rembered something...every book by robert kimble smith, authographed since he lived across the street from my grandparents.i loved "the war with grandpa" amd "chocolate fever".also, this is probably too young for most of you, but the "my teacher is an alien" series

- Lord Magus - 04-24-2002

What about the Not Quite Human series? for early teens, anyone read those (hell, they made a Disney movie Series about them if i remember)

- kindred - 04-24-2002

Anything by Judy Blume or Beverly Clearly I devoured. I completely forgot about the choose your own adventure books! Those were great, too! Also read The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Then I discovered Dean Koontz and John Saul and proceeded to read all of those.

- Spitfire - 04-24-2002

I read just about anything, still do...

even the girlie Babysitters Club series...
The Chronicle of Narnia
Choose Your Own Adventure (especially the unicorn one)
The Island of the Blue Dolphins (anyone remember that?)
all the books by Judy Blume
Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Light in the Attic poetry books
Sideways Stories from Wayside School
oh, and Celery Stalks at Midnight and Bunnicula...can't remember the author
I bought a lot of books from Scholastic, when the order forms came

when I was really little, my favorite book was The Monster at the End of the Book it was a Little Golden Book, which I had tons of, with Grover narrating; and Where the Wild Things mom always got a kick out of reading Dr. Seuss to me, it was her favorite...

as I got a little older, I always dug Christopher Pike

- Lord Magus - 04-24-2002

Celery Stalks and Bunnicula.. but no Howliday Inn?? Pshaw!!

Remembered another one... The Mouse and the Motorcycle series

- fbd - 04-24-2002

Quote:Sideways Stories from Wayside School
holy shit...i forgot about that!i still have all 3 in my basement, i think

edit-just checked...sideways stories, is falling down, and gets a litte stranger.also, i just remembered another haunted hills or was about a kid who goes to a special effects camp and ends up meeting werewolves and finds a real dinosaur

Edited By fbdlingfrg on April 24 2002 at 5:19

- Galt - 04-24-2002

There were more than one Sideways Stories?

I fucking loved that book.

There was also the Mouse and the Motorcycle series, that I dug

- GonzoStyle - 04-25-2002

Curious George was the first books I remember reading. I always loved those big Garfield series they would release as well. Not a book but I used to love mad-libs, those fuckin rocked.

I didn't have a normal childhood as many of you may have guessed, there were no bed time stories or any influence in my childhood as to help me read or advise me on what to read. I honestly didn't start really reading till I was 12 or so. I missed out on all those kids books but I still never read the fuckin hobbit so bah!!!!!

- Luna - 04-25-2002

Quote:mad-libs, those fuckin rocked.
I agree....Mad-Libs was some fun stuff! :lol:

The first books I remember having, as a kid, was a collection of Disney stories.
There were about 4 thick books with all the classic Disney stories, and then some, in them.
I wish I still had those books. I also had tons of drawing & sketching books.

I read 'Benji' several times and 'The Cricket in Times Square'. I also used to love the 'Nancy Drew
& the Hardy Boys' series.

I, too, remember the 'CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE' books. They were alot of fun. I also played
D&D when I was a teenager. There was nothing like getting stoned with a bunch of friends
and playing that game. It was alot of fun.
I read the 'Hobbit' more times than I could count. Whatssss ya got in the pocketssss, prrrecioussssss?
I also really got into the V.C. Andrews books, like 'Flowers in the Attic'....there were some twisted
stories going on in those books.

Also read National Geographic magazine. I still get this magazine. One of my favorite parts
of it is the neat-o maps you get.

That's all I can remember for now.

- Skitchr4u - 04-25-2002

I read most of what everyone else has listed, plus Mrs. Brisby and the Rats of Nimh, as well as the David Eddings and Terry Brooks trilogies

- Lord Magus - 04-25-2002

I wouldn't call eddings, brooks, Donaldson or Anthony "old" books myself
Especially not Eddings, he's the second coming (of Tolkien)!

- Skitchr4u - 04-25-2002

maybe not old per say, but i read them growing up...6th grade i think i started reading them, they are old to me now, how about that?

- Kim - 04-28-2002

Quote:The Island of the Blue Dolphins

I loved that book. I saw a copy at the store a few weeks ago and almost bought it so I could read it again.

Anyone remember "How to Eat Fried Worms"?

- Arthur Dent - 04-28-2002

Quote:Dad finally got sick of me being scared to go to sleep at night, and came up with a mathematical proof that vampires couldn't possibly be real..I still love the stories though.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
damn it, I'd love to see that. Mathematical proof. :roflmao:

Quote:Anything by Judy Blume or Beverly Clearly I devoured.
Dear Mr. Henshaw was one of my favorite books as a kid. About a boy who deals with his problems by writing letters to his favorite author. I don't think he intended to mailany of them, but one got mailed and Mr. Henshaw started writing backto him. Great story.

Almost forgot about the "Black Beauty" books. They made movies out of the first two. About a boy and his horse. In the second one they ended up in Arabia where a horse breeder tried to steal Black Beauty and they got caught up in an Arab tribal war. it was the first book I read where people got killed.

And I can't remember the name of this four book series about an earth that was taken over by aliens that rode around in three legged ships. All the adults had these metal triangles inplanted in the back of the head at eighteen and became slaves. But there was this resistance of kids who were trying to fight the aliens. Wish I could remember the name of the series.

And I thought this was about books we read as little kids, not old books in general. Otherwise I'd mention Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and stuff.