Lightning - Scary drive home from work - Printable Version

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- Black Lazerus - 06-28-2002

what grumpy to you home to meet the family

- Sloatsburgh - 06-28-2002

Quote:That had to be the scariest drive home ever anyone that lives in the somerset area of NJ i was on 287 and shit fucking lighting was striking the sides of the road i didn't think i was going to make it.

I guess we will be calling you White Lazerus from now on.

- LZMF1 - 06-28-2002

what a light show in the sky last night!!! all i needed was a couple of hits of acid and i would have enjoyed it even more!

- OAS - 06-28-2002

Having lived most of my life in Wisconsin, experiencing tornados, you really learn to appreciate and enjoy storms like that. It was a pussy storm for the most part, but fun!

- crx girl - 08-03-2002

i got stuck at work today waiting for the rain to let up, saw some pretty good lightning too. then on my way home i saw the empire state building get struck by lighning, it was pretty cool, i know i've already mentioned this elsewhere but the stupid search function couldn't find this thread but arpi's little helper found it for me, so i figured what the hell, i'll post what i was going to post earlier before i couldn't find this thread, so i did.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 08-03-2002

Fucking lightning almost made me miss Farscape. The weird thing about it was it was just so consistent. There would 10 lightning bolts one after the other.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-03-2002

I got stuck in the lightening waiting for my bus to come to get home from the city...since I had been drinking, I wasn't scared, but otherwise, I would've been hiding somewhere shaking in fear. We watched a lot of it from the window, but then we had to leave to get our busses and trains, but it was pretty.