What did i learn today? - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 07-25-2002

When you say "Fuck Thursday" in big letters it hurts me deeply.

- YellowDiscipline - 07-25-2002

Is this the unofficial status request thread now, cause this "newbie scum" shit just ain't gonna cut it.

- Jack - 07-25-2002

Don't you know that Requesting a Status is always a bad thing.

- Zootybang - 07-25-2002

Dude, c'mon. You seem so intelligent otherwise. But Thursday? Kinda makes me think you're retarded and just type lucky alot. It's noise, plain and simple. And this is coming from a guy who likes OLD slayer, which is possibly the worst played music on earth.

- Sean Cold - 07-25-2002

Quote:you're retarded and just type lucky alot

Great, as if today wasn't fucked up enough, Zooty just went and got the line of the day.


- Zootybang - 07-25-2002

Quote:Great, as if today wasn't fucked up enough, Zooty just went and got the line of the day.

Wait, why is that a bad thing? Dont I get a chance to shine? Once again, the man tryin' to keep a white brotha down.

- HedCold - 07-25-2002

i learned the village underground is a cool place to see a concert :bouncer:

- The Sleeper - 07-25-2002

Quote:Dude, c'mon. You seem so intelligent otherwise. But Thursday? Kinda makes me think you're retarded and just type lucky alot. It's noise, plain and simple. And this is coming from a guy who likes OLD slayer, which is possibly the worst played music on earth.
Noise?? Did someone mix up your Thursday and Anal Cunt CDs as a gag??jesus Thursday is the farthest thing from noise. Next thing you are gonna tell me that Minor Threat is just noise in which case I'm gonna have to storm your house and rape you with a chainsaw.

- Zootybang - 07-25-2002

Minor threat compared to Thursday Is like Barbara streisand compared to brittney spears. I may not be a huge fan of either, but I know talent when I hear It. I just cant fathom how any self-respecting music fan can listen to Thursday. I've never heard anyone sing MORE off-key.......wait, Isn't this in the wrong thread?

- HedCold - 07-25-2002

Quote:I've never heard anyone sing MORE off-key
you mean whine?

- Zootybang - 07-25-2002

Wait, arent you one of the biggest proponents of Thursday on this board, Hedcold? I may be thinking of someone else.

Edited By Zootybang on July 25 2002 at 01:23

- Sean Cold - 07-25-2002

I learned today that i am not the only person who was highly disgusted listening to Thursday.

- Hybrid - 07-25-2002

thursday > you. deal with it.

- HedCold - 07-25-2002

Quote:Wait, arent you one of the biggest proponents of Thursday on this board, Hedcold? I may be thinking of someone else.
i don't like you now

- The Sleeper - 07-25-2002

Quote:I've never heard anyone sing MORE off-key
Ummm, don't you like Hardcore music? they scream for god sakes. What's more off-key then screaming? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's off-key. I respect anyone who has a unique voice. And Geoff's voice is not off-key, but whatever, we can all have our opinions, yours just sucks.

- Hybrid - 07-25-2002

you cant see it but i'm clapping for sleeper. i am, seriously.

- YellowDiscipline - 07-25-2002

You can't see it but I'm giving you the finger. I am, seriously.

- Zootybang - 07-25-2002

Okay, sorry hedcold, It was slipknot I was thinking of.
And harcore has nothing to do with screaming.It's a way of life, an attitude,and I dare you to go to a harcore show and proclaim Thursday as harcore. Just leave me your stereo and t.v. In your will first. My opinion may suck, but yours Is super stinky crappo poo-poo. So there.

- Hybrid - 07-25-2002

i liked it better when you only posted on

- The Sleeper - 07-25-2002

Quote:I dare you to go to a harcore show and proclaim Thursday as harcore.
They tour with hardcore bands all the time, get a clue. And when did I say they were hardcore? However, alot of people who like HC like Thursday, myself included. Go listen to Slipknot with HedCold.