This place has come to a standstill - Since ken has become a mod - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 07-30-2002

Yeah, too bad I'm not gay, or I might let ya. But that look you get in your eye when you are about to touch someone is just waaaaaaaaaaaay too creepy and desperate.

- GonzoStyle - 07-30-2002

No the look buttmunch gets when he takes off his glasses and is upset...

Now that's scary.

- Kid Afrika - 07-30-2002

Who said anything about scary? I said CREEPY and DESPERATE.

- FNMoron - 07-30-2002

well... to get this thread back on topic...

I think Ken (and even Arpi to some extent) do a tremendous amount of valuble contributing to this board.

- GonzoStyle - 07-30-2002

Quote:I said CREEPY and DESPERATE.

nice emphasis, by using caps.

A lot of people give ken and arpi slack for shit, truth be told. They contribute more than most posters.

- Kid Afrika - 07-30-2002

Quote:well... to get this thread back on topic...
How dare you interrupt my obvious baiting session... :fuckoff: Confusedneak:

- FNMoron - 07-30-2002

Quote:How dare you interrupt my obvious baiting session...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
put that thing back in your pants:lol: