we need more personal threads!!! - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

who called slash a skank?

- NaughtyAngel - 08-04-2002

my mistake
ima go edit

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Guess all that brazillian cum fried your brain cells.

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

He called Ken a skank

I want Ken dead, my pretty cum drop :loveya:

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

How can I resist when you use such poetry? :fucking:

- Galt - 08-05-2002

my last name is "Chisholm" which rhymes with "Jism"

Have your fun at my expense kids.

- Doc - 08-05-2002

Oh yeah Galt:
My nickname in college was 'Boner'

Go to town boys

- GonzoStyle - 08-05-2002

Boner Jism, ahhhhhhhhahahahahahahaa

- Doc - 08-05-2002

And you guys say we bring nothing to this board

- Galt - 08-05-2002

I bet the story behind why you got the nickname "Boner" is more interesting than how I got the nickname "Jism"

- Arpikarhu - 08-05-2002

i was called sex machine

- Galt - 08-05-2002

for being lifeless in bed?

- Arpikarhu - 08-05-2002

har dee har!! everyone is right. sleeper is the brains

- GonzoStyle - 08-05-2002

I was called... "get the fuck out of my way loser."

- Galt - 08-05-2002

I'm higher rated than you are.

- Luna - 08-05-2002

What happens when your warning bar gets maxed out?

- GonzoStyle - 08-05-2002

Only in the dementia of your sick world.

- Jack - 08-05-2002

If it gets maxed out then it takes away your posting abilities.

- Arpikarhu - 08-05-2002

who the fuck just warned me 3 times? when i find out, its cell time!!

- Luna - 08-05-2002

Quote:If it gets maxed out then it takes away your posting abilities.
Forever and ever?

Edited By LunaBabe on Aug. 04 2002 at 11:08