Food ingredients - Do you care? - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 08-14-2002

Quote:3. Why are we all so fat?

Eating disorders and addictions.

Also, a lot of food additives help. Eat more natural food, gain less weight.

- Ken'sPen - 08-14-2002

check out the tolerance levels for mushrooms that always disgusted me.

- SYNTuesday - 08-14-2002

Small free-swimming marine crustaceans, many of which are fish parasites. In some species the females enter the tissues of the host fish and may form pus pockets.
This is a term they felt needed to be DEFINED in the glossary of the FDA Defect Level Action handbook (K1d's last link)

All I can say is... YAY! YUMMY YUMMY! :toast:

- Kid Afrika - 08-14-2002

I blame it on milk. Cow's milk is designed by nature to grow a 60 lb. calf into an 800 lb. cow in a very short period of time. Milk is not to be consumed by humans.

Truthfully, as a nation we are gluttons. I believe there are genes that give some people a higher chance of being fat, but it's not the only thing. If I want to be thin(ner), I have to eat like a rabbit. At the same time, how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?

- SYNTuesday - 08-14-2002

Quote:At the same time, how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?
A good two or three. My friend eric eats everything and anything and CAN'T GAIN WEIGHT, even though he tries. You can see his bones. No penis jokes, please. Confusedneak:

- Luna - 08-14-2002

Quote:how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?
:lookatme: :lookatme: :lookatme: :lookatme:

- Ken'sPen - 08-14-2002

Quote:- Despite my chocolate fetish I will steer clear of products made with refined sugar. Refined sugar is not a food, it is a drug.
- I am, for the most part, a veggie, fruit, and pasta person.

YOU are not Luna.....
except for the pasta you are a self confessed healthy eater,
I am sure you can stuff all the veggies in your mouth you care too and still not end up gaining weight.

- Spitfire - 08-14-2002

Quote:how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?
I was blessed with an incredibly fast metabolism :-D

If you want some freaky ready material, check this out...The Campaign Against Genetically Engineered Foods :-D

- HedCold - 08-14-2002

Quote:At the same time, how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?
me tooooooooooooo :lookatme: :lookatme:
as long as it looks and is appetizing bring it on. depending on my mood i'll try anything as long as its cooked and what not [except for fish, i hate the way they smell]. i'm not going to worry about being the rare person who gets food poisoning or something from bad food. i remember watching something on the discovery channel where kids in africa were eating and flys were landing all over there food and stuff, but they didn't care and kept on eating. i think it gave me a new perspective.

- Arthur Dent - 08-14-2002

Quote:At the same time, how many skinny people do you know that can eat whatever the Hell they want, and not gain a pound?

Until I was 18 or 19, yeah. Now I watch what I eat and exercise to stay slim.

- kindred - 08-14-2002

I'm a very picky eater... I can look at a dish and not touch it if I don't like the way it looks. If I know something is in a dish that grosses me out, I won't eat matter how small or how well it's disguised.

I can't stand the thought of eating anything odd or out of the ordinary...

- Kid Afrika - 08-14-2002

Recently, I was at a company dinner and was poked and prodded to try to get me to eat sushi. Being Japanese, the president of my company thought I was just being picky and didn't want to eat it. But, every time I've had seafood, I've thrown up. The only seafood I can eat it a Filet of Fish at McDonald's/Burger King or tuna fish. Anything else, especially shellfish, and I won't even try it. Sorry, I don't like puking my guts out.

- Keyser Soze - 08-14-2002

I completely forgot about this thread and went to lunch down at the local sushi place. Ignorance is such bliss.

- Spitfire - 08-14-2002

I love sushi and fish. If I had a choice I'd eat fish everyday (throws a hanging curveball) You people don't know what you're missing!

- Kid Afrika - 08-14-2002

Quote:You people don't know what you're missing!
No offense spit, but I fucking hate when people say that. What if I've tried it and it made me sick? Then I DO know what I'm missing... I'm missing puking my guts out and feeling like shit for the rest of the night.

Why do people insist that you will like something just because they do?

Why do people tell you to try a portabella mushroom and say, "it tastes like steak"? If it does, give me a steak and YOU eat the fucking fungus.

- HedCold - 08-14-2002

about the milk thing, i remember hearing that milk is extremely diluted and its not as if you're drinking the stuff right from the cow.

- Spitfire - 08-14-2002

mmmm....fungus :-D

Kid, you're probably allergic to fish. I have no problem with people not liking something as long as they will try it first. Mr. Spit pisses me off in this way, if it's something he didn't like when he was 5, he still won't eat it. Tastes change when you get older, at least I know mine have.

- DGW - 08-14-2002

Quote:No offense spit, but I fucking hate
You do alot of hating

- Brokenjaw - 08-14-2002

UMM FOOODDDD.. There is not much I don't eat.

Seafood- yup - Lobster, Squid, Shrimp , Scallops, so on and so on.
Red Meat -yup
Bugs (escagot(sp?)) -yup
Frog -yup
Duck - yup
Cow Tongue -yup
Chinease Food- yup
The only thing I really really don't like is Mayo. YYUUUCCCKKKK

- Kid Afrika - 08-14-2002

Quote:I have no problem with people not liking something as long as they will try it first
Why? Why do I have to try something to know I don't like it? And won't I be less likely to admit that I like it if you force me to try it?

At Christmas I was at dinner at a friend's and they MADE me try humus(sp?). I told them I wouldn't like it, and that it looked disgoosting. Well, I tried it, and if f00king sucked!!!

Making someone try something they don't want to eat is like saying, "this smells like shit... here, smell it".